Morguk (OP)
September 11, 2016, 11:07:32 AM Last edit: May 01, 2022, 08:50:07 PM by Morguk |
Solo ChanceCalculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining!https://solochance.comAboutWork in progress but just a little fun thing I made. I got fed up of calculating my lotto chance every time! Hopefully you solo and lotto miners will find this useful! Shout out to CK for his great solo pool and sidehack for his USB miners. Donations182vfhNY4wWM4d41S6czYGi3bNaWHjNFC9 ChangelogVer 1.401/05/22 - Fixed CK address field. Sorry it took so long!
- Added HTTPS.
Ver 1.311/03/17 - The 1.2 changes now display when you enter your CK address.
Ver 1.223/02/17 - Added 'Chance per day'.
- Added 'Estimated time'.
Ver 1.113/02/17 - Added speed selection box..
- Added 'About' popup.
- Changed some styling.
Ver 1.002/08/16
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1130
Bitcoin FTW!
September 11, 2016, 10:04:49 PM |
You might want to consider adding selectors for terahash and petahash, it's a bit tedious typing in so many numbers  otherwise, cool site! You always have that chance to hit it, no matter how small  maybe add network difficulty and network hashrate? The site is fine as it is, but those last two are pretty big.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1006
September 11, 2016, 10:15:28 PM |
You might want to consider adding selectors for terahash and petahash, it's a bit tedious typing in so many numbers  otherwise, cool site! You always have that chance to hit it, no matter how small  maybe add network difficulty and network hashrate? The site is fine as it is, but those last two are pretty big. Exactly what I was going to suggest. Had to use calculator just in case to be accurate. Sadly the halving took away this gambling type. Rent hash, point it to and wait for Bitcoin Gods to choose you and honor your effort.  Also the total diffuculty is over the roof compared what is was to last year. I recall a guy renting 100 ths and finding a block. Also a guy with an s3 solo mining found a block. Its better the play dice atm. 
Morguk (OP)
September 12, 2016, 05:05:03 PM |
Cheers guys, haha yeah that's definitely on the to-do list.
When it's completed it will also give funny facts based on your chance like "you have more chance to fall down a manhole today" etc.
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at
Activity: 3542
Merit: 2253
September 13, 2016, 10:04:26 AM |
Looks like a nice site but I don't get this "chance every 10 minutes" thing. No matter what Hash Rate you enter you always get this "chance every 10 minutes" notice. I know it's technically true but I can't call it a useful information because to me it sounds like "every minute you have a chance to die". I think much more useful is a statement like this "in the next 200 years you will die for sure". But thanks anyway for trying to do something helpful and free for people. Good job!
September 13, 2016, 05:26:07 PM |
lol a s9 has 1 in 123,488 every 9 minutes
Morguk (OP)
September 13, 2016, 06:19:16 PM |
thanks but I don't think it is really accurate you can't predict it
How do you mean? It's mathematical chance.
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at
Activity: 4396
Merit: 9407
'The right to privacy matters'
September 13, 2016, 06:40:49 PM |
thanks but I don't think it is really accurate you can't predict it
How do you mean? It's mathematical chance. math + language is hard for people to understand a suggestion is give two answers the same 10 minute answer and a one day answer. which would be to divide the 10 minute answer by 144
Activity: 1851
Merit: 1055
September 16, 2016, 05:03:40 PM |
we are in 2016, you are wasting your time ... I think the best way to easily generate bitcoin: I think everyone agrees, and you have nothing to lose. Offers that look too good to be true, usually are just that (i.e. NOT true). Nobody earns 1BTC/week with no risk and or no investment.
Activity: 1624
Merit: 1130
Bitcoin FTW!
September 16, 2016, 08:37:43 PM |
we are in 2016, you are wasting your time ... I think the best way to easily generate bitcoin: I think everyone agrees, and you have nothing to lose. Self-advertising and a cloudminer? Please. If you're going to lure people into a cloudmining scam, don't do it here, and don't do it on a throwaway. We've all seen our fair share of cloudmining scams, and it'd be foolish to invest in this one. if you don't have the electricity price to mine yourself, don't do it. You do not own the hashrate you're buying.Rolling the dice is actually pretty fun imo, and considering you're holding your own miners and not renting hashrate from someone else it makes me feel more secure. I've yet to hit a block, but I have gotten a few 100bil shares in the last month.
Activity: 1190
Merit: 1000
September 18, 2016, 03:39:44 PM |
I like the minimalistic theme style, maybe it is the browser...I haven't noticed a contact form on your site?
My suggestion is to implement Widgets to your site so external websites could have that data on their websites.
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| | █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| .
| | █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
| | . • Telegram • ANN Thread • Bounty Thread • Whitepaper |
Activity: 3542
Merit: 2253
November 04, 2016, 11:04:55 AM |
It's mathematical chance.  Exactly. That's why I can't figure out what's the use of it. If we get "1 in 85,511,274 chance every 10 minutes" what can we do with those numbers? Can't we just say "very small chance to happen every 10 minutes"?
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1010
ITSMYNE 🚀 Talk NFTs, Trade NFTs 🚀
November 05, 2016, 02:24:43 PM |
terahash and petahash updates needed but good logic and math skills..  Hope to see more in the website. Bookmarked.
Morguk (OP)
November 19, 2016, 01:00:27 PM |
Glad to see some people are finding is amusing/useful. I plan to add more to the site in the near future!
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
January 18, 2017, 09:06:29 PM |
If there was a way that my web browser would remember my mining cksolo address ?
Maybe if the field was visible to auto fill but my browser doesn't seem to remember it
Currently I copy and paste it from the solo URL
There doesn't seem to be another calculator like this I was doing the math by hand before
25TH, solo for life and keep adding machines when I can.
If I don't score a block in the next 12 months I might give up its possible but I'll have 35TH soon and more to come

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
January 23, 2017, 04:23:31 PM |
I just want it to use cookies in such a way that it remembers my address.
also I donated did you guys donate ?
Morguk (OP)
January 24, 2017, 11:32:52 PM Last edit: February 13, 2017, 11:40:11 PM by Morguk |
I just want it to use cookies in such a way that it remembers my address.
also I donated did you guys donate ?
It remembers mine in chrome, what browser are you using buddy? This is a cool and useful app, but maybe you should add more options like kh/s,mh/s,gh/s,th/s?
Could help others calculate with accuracy.
Going to add this in the near future  Thanks for the kind words guys.
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at
Morguk (OP)
February 13, 2017, 10:48:03 PM Last edit: February 13, 2017, 11:42:35 PM by Morguk |
Finally updated it! ChangelogVer 1.1 13/02/17 - Added speed selection box instead of just 'gigahash per second'.
- Added about popup.
- Changed some styling.
Todo list includes adding other coins, adding other ways to display chance including per day, and also fun facts like 'you have more chance to fall down a manhole'. Other suggestions keep them coming!
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at
Morguk (OP)
February 17, 2017, 06:06:30 PM |
Nice site, shame we don't stand much of a chance. Nice to dream tho! Would be good if you listed a few online solo pools on there with stats from that pool. I have found one before, definitely in existence, I just don't have the details on me now. I believe that people with large farms, that they rent out, use these solo pools when no one is renting.
Cheers! I'm only going to support CK's pool as I use it myself and like his work. I might add a time feature and it will calculate total chance over a period of time.
Calculate the chance of hitting a bitcoin block when solo mining at

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
February 19, 2017, 04:11:39 PM |
Hmm always chrome but I'm on an iPad most of the time. Ipads are wonky sometimes
I currently copy and paste my entire .org address and then back space over the web address part.
Let me fool with auto correct a little. I would be happy If it would even just remember my BTC address when I put my cursor on the field.
I don't really "care" just trying to come up with constructive criticism.
We all owe CK and from my perspective solo mining is the only way to go. The lump sum Is the only way to get ahead. If your paying for residential power then yea you need to be on a pool but USA commercial electric rates are not that hard to get/find