September 22, 2016, 01:23:20 PM |
Hello, Im fairly new to mining and cant seem to find the answer to this question anywhere.
Ive been mining with CCminer for a few weeks now on a gtx970. After cleaning out my closet I realized I had a gtx 760 gathering dust so I threw it in my mobo. im having trouble figuring out what to put in the batch file to get CCminer to mine from both cards
my original batch file is this ccminer.exe -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://xmr.pool.minergate.com:45560 -u email -p x
when I run that it runs fine but only 1 card
Ive tried using this configuration but it seems like ccminer is just using my gtx970 and splitting its hashing power into 2. it will say GPU #0 (null) and then GPU #1 GTX970
ccminer.exe -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://xmr.pool.minergate.com:45560 -u email -p x -t 2
ive also tried using this line but when I open the batch file it just closes immediately
ccminer.exe -a cryptonight -o stratum+tcp://xmr.pool.minergate.com:45560 -u email -p x -d 0,1
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!