Hello everyone happy to announce, right here and right now, that
http://bitcointalkradio.comFor limited time we will accept most "Cryptocurrencies & Altcoins as payment" for advertising with
BTCTalkRadio.comWe invite you to check out:
http://www.btctalkradio.com/advertising for further details.
Short Q & A:
Q. Do we take your favorite alt coin?
A. Chances are if it's valuable then yes, otherwise DM @UltrA1 to find out.
Q. How do we pay using altcoin such as Dash, ETH, and such..
A. Choose your advertising plan type, duration; Submit a private Msg to @Ultra1 include Altcoin name, payment amount and ask for approval.
Q. Will any coin be allowed to advertise on BitcoinTalkRadio.com
A. Short answer yes *Long answer: in efforts to stop pump n dumps, all due diligence will be completed prior to taking payment.
To meet our advertising terms our payment guidelines are as follows, your Altcoin must be currently listed and traded at Polo:
http://poloniex.com or
http://bittrex.com to qualify for this limited time offer.
Q. Can we combine any additional discounts?
A. Short answer yes **Long answer your coins must have market depth to support your order.
Q. What is the maximum discount i can receive when paying in Altcoins.
A. Maximum discount will be 15% off normal price when paying with Altcoins.
Q. Are there special coins i get a even better discount when using as payment?
A. Yes, right now they are: #BTC, #DASH, #LTC, #UNB, #VOX, #ETH, #OKCash, #DNET, and #XCO
Q. Any other coins we can use for payment?
A. Yes Submit private Msg to @Ultra1 include Altcoin name, Payment amount and wait for response..
Q. How long will my advertising promotion run for?
A. Your 15 Second or 30 Second Radio Ad will air 4 times a day for duration selected.