I instantly think back to pre 911 times when i took a plane flight in Canada from BC to Alberta back around 1997'ish and brought with me a ton of stuff including multiple knives including a real working switch-blade.
Now ? i'd be in cuff's.
I was stopped in the terminal and i am sure they could smell the half ounce of weed i had in my pocket..
They also seen my pipes and drug paraphernalia in my bag.
I had little tools etc for pipe cleaning and i was also sort of moving too so i brought all kinds of weird random house stuff that may be handy.
The women stopped me and opened my large bag that was jammed packed tight with tons of random shit and she took out like 1 item and had his look on her face like "oh fuck" ..this is gonna take me forever.
She put my knife back in my bag and said next time don't bring "tools" ...
She said they could be used to take the plane apart.
Yup.. my master plan ..they caught me ! hahhaha that was my big agenda all along !
These days i would be thrown in jail ahhahahah
Now we have an implementation of a police state.. a centralized authority (Security) instituting a paranoid state / society.
Cause & effect.. a bad apple creates the result we see now.
It's a pitty there is lunatics out there that want to crash or blow up planes etc.
This cause & effect creates a new way of life for us that will probably never change.
Society is getting carried away with being pussy PC SJW bitches..
I have seen a bunch of stories in my town the last while where they mentioned "Clowns"
Apparently this has caused a lot of Police investigations and arrests and press releases.
Police said this is not allowed and they will arrest people..
What some guys have done is wander around town dressed like a clown.
One guy posted a picture of himself standing in front of a high school dressed like one..
with the caption.. "We are watching" ..he posted on Facebook.
He was arrested !
When the band ICP came to town we had jugalo's all over dressed like that too and no big arrests drama.
But i guess the clown thing is a serious crime.. even on OCT 1st ..1 month from Halloween.
People are insufferable little assholes worried about stupid bullshit.
no joke..