Ok. I am going to publish a list of investors, how much they invested, and their deposit addresses. Each one please confirm to me and prove you are that investor.
12321 0.01000000 1JzWSCskTqj6HADnfYgnuvsVzPys6J2jKh
Annie 0.00272248 19mYHJubH9Y6ag9pWY3DgmQjkwJgpAqfUh
Andreas Zweck 0.01000000 1QGeujvDn6VjRG9AQ2oTGTfDFDfaJTGqGB
All 3 who invested will get back almost all of what they invested minus the bitcoin transaction fee. I will try to consolidate the transaction to save on fees and use the lowest value that will confirm in several blocks.
If you know how to sign a bitcoin message using one of the addresses that spent to the above deposit, that would be the best and most definitive proof.
I will give the above 3 investors a deadline of 2 or 3 months. If you do not contact me with valid proof (signed message), I will donate your satoshis to some charitable cause.