Hey all,
this post is referred to some of the suggestions and questions of takamouri - I didn't quote too make this post not too long.
Ok, @takamouri, you wrote:
> I think it was a great idea to get a new domain that we can have the control of..
Yes, I think so, too

> I really like the idea behind Piecoin and social sending and i'm very interested to help grow the community build a new road-map and further develop the coin..
That sounds great!
> From my experience PieCoin is a very easy to use AltCoin that can be send quickly and is Great at staking on an average laptop.
That is what got me into it - a really easy Coin to have at an average computer.
> Apart from that, I don't know if the Pies code offers any aspects other than sending wallet to wallet and staking on a Laptop or POS..
I am not sure but I don't think that the code offers more aspects.
> So to conclude, I think we should decide if we will follow the steps that the original scammer developer posted as a road-map, or are we gonna set up a new plan..
Setting up a new plan is a good idea - the original road-map was too fast.
But I would be careful with road-maps because they can lead to disappointments when a dead line is broken.
> What will happen with the coins the original dev the scammer still holds??
I am not sure if the scammer still holds coins. As far as I remember he sold out a few months ago not long after the ICO at C-Cex.
That was a hard day for me but I am still holding and helping.
I think this thread has a bit of information of all the things that were going on.
But cannot read the whole 30 pages from beginning again to give a hint where to find more information, too tired now.
> Good question for the masternode!!!
Ok, I have to blame myself talking about masternodes. What I mean are just wallets or the Linux 'Piecoind' that are running at a computer having a static IP-address.
These computers are nodes in the network like any other wallet computer and their code is the same.
The only thing about a 'stable-node' or 'static-node' or 'server-node' or maybe wrongly 'master-node' is the static non-changing ip-address and the port 31415 open for incoming connections. Such a computer's IP-address can be baked/compiled into the wallet's source code for giving good connections to new users.
I am running two of such computers/servers now. And btw: there is now income for doing that.
To have some income of PIEs you have to run your own wallet and own some of them.
> Also Pikku can we fork Pie and use the devs coins for dev bounties.. even delete the burned address if we can fork.. and have a supply of 72mil..
To make it short: A good coin network is not so easy to influence. It is just running! You can never use any coins of other people (if you do not hack their wallet).
A fork is not an easy thing. There are soft-forks and there are hard-forks.
But it is all very complicated and never something like: ok, we go somewhere else and leave you scammer alone, cu.
I mean: doing a fork has to do with really a lot of work (which I could not afford)! I could tell more about this sometime, but wanted to make it short:
I don't think that any kind of a fork would be helpful for PieCoin now - maybe later...
btw: the fact that I did fork the source code of PIE at Github.com has nothing to do with a coin fork. I just saved the code to a place where we can work on.
thanks for all this great discussion,
cu Pikku