crazy_rabbit (OP)
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1002
April 02, 2013, 04:40:03 PM |
this post is responsible for doubling up the price, as a matter of fact
No price was up before I posted, I was like "WTF?" and asked around and found the Mt.Gox thing. So, no, I'm not doing the manipulation. Seems to be true however.
more or less retired.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1003
April 02, 2013, 05:04:59 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC.
btc: 15sFnThw58hiGHYXyUAasgfauifTEB1ZF6
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1222
brb keeping up with the Kardashians
April 02, 2013, 05:05:46 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC. It's Japan, man. They use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck April Fools is.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1003
April 02, 2013, 05:07:42 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC. It's Japan, man. They use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck April Fools is. I'm Chinese and April Fools day is pretty big in China, what does this has to do with metric system?. Also mtgox is entirely run by non-Japanese people, MagicalTux(Mark Karpeles) is American.
btc: 15sFnThw58hiGHYXyUAasgfauifTEB1ZF6
crazy_rabbit (OP)
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1002
April 02, 2013, 05:08:35 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC. It's Japan, man. They use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck April Fools is. I'm Chinese and April Fools day is pretty big in China. Also mtgox is entirely run by non-Japanese people, MagicalTux is American. It would be pretty unprofessional for an Exchange that serves the entire world- many cultures and traditions to pull a prank like that.
more or less retired.
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1002
April 02, 2013, 05:08:46 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC. It's Japan, man. They use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck April Fools is. Oh god im crying lol
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1003
April 02, 2013, 05:10:20 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC. It's Japan, man. They use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck April Fools is. I'm Chinese and April Fools day is pretty big in China. Also mtgox is entirely run by non-Japanese people, MagicalTux is American. It would be pretty unprofessional for an Exchange that serves the entire world- many cultures and traditions to pull a prank like that. Oh bigger companies has done worse pranks on April fools day. Google announced "youtube shutdown" for april fools. Do you think it's coincidence that he post support for LTC on April 1st of all the days, on a IRC channel?
btc: 15sFnThw58hiGHYXyUAasgfauifTEB1ZF6
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1222
brb keeping up with the Kardashians
April 02, 2013, 05:13:04 PM |
Guys yesterday was April 1st, it's most likely a april fools joke that MagicalTux thought up. I don't really believe mtgox will support LTC or NMC. It's Japan, man. They use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck April Fools is. Oh god im crying lol At least somebody got it 
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1001
April 02, 2013, 05:18:35 PM |
LTC broke one dollar before this news surfaced. And the day before it was 85 cents. People keep forgetting that lol.
No doubt though the gox news added a LOT of momentum after it broke a dollar.
Activity: 1526
Merit: 1002
Waves | 3PHMaGNeTJfqFfD4xuctgKdoxLX188QM8na
April 02, 2013, 05:24:15 PM |
[Mt.Gox 24/7 IRC support channel | don t ask to ask, just ask | offtopic goes to ##mtgox-chat | tickers and trades on #mtgox-RT and #bitcoin-RT | LTC support coming soon] [17:17] == KrLos [be97db20@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #mtgox [17:18] <KrLos> Hello, please tell that LTC support coming soon, isn't by aprils 1st? it is or isn`t? [17:22] <ypSami> lol [17:22] <ypSami> 9 hours later and everybody is still asking, eh? [17:23] <KrLos> in my country still 1st aprils [17:24] <sqwerty> not sure it's even legal to april 1st about that ? [17:25] == Casimir1904 [] has joined #mtgox [17:26] <ypSami> it is legal, but it would be unbelievably dumb, which is not what Mt.Gox or MagicalTux are known for. [17:27] <ypSami> I'm positive he's been laughing all day at the requests for saying it's real or not, but regardless of whether it's a joke or not.. Mt.Gox obviously has a big interest in supporting LTC. [17:27] <ypSami> This is the last time I'm typing this today. [17:28] <DanAli> haha just chose the wrong day to unroll the litecoin api [17:28] <KrLos> Thanks guys
April 02, 2013, 06:06:57 PM |
LTC was over 4$ just a few hours ago 
There is no place like In blockchain we trust
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1002
Bitcoin is new, makes sense to hodl.
April 02, 2013, 06:32:50 PM |
crazy_rabbit (OP)
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1002
April 02, 2013, 06:59:55 PM |
True, but I can understand they won't support everyone out of the gate like that. But it should mean that BTC-E should support TRC because GOX will take a huge chunk out of BTC-E's LTC trading profits. They will (or should) add TRC which also has significant volume.
more or less retired.
April 02, 2013, 08:02:14 PM |
Do people actually think namecoin is going to get put up on mtgox just because of this? I mean, it doesn't even have it's own silk road, it's too primitive to be put up on MTGOX. Would it even survive if that happened? Can a cryptocoin network be 'crashed'? Maybe litecoin will still be put up, but I doubt namecoin will... anytime soon at least. And also Mtgox are taking a long time to get together with coinbase, so they are slow, so it could be a while before litecoin is even adopted, giving plenty of time for the price to go down.

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
April 02, 2013, 08:15:14 PM |
It would be really interesting if MtGox started trading LTC.
Whiskey Fund BTC 1K2SG4amzNrB7gUwf5braHuExqnQ5nEKZp LTC Lgoz9gb7q39FMAmBz8odfkx4YFhLeofCpc
Activity: 1344
Merit: 1001
April 02, 2013, 08:16:17 PM |
Do people actually think namecoin is going to get put up on mtgox just because of this? I mean, it doesn't even have it's own silk road, it's too primitive to be put up on MTGOX. Would it even survive if that happened? Can a cryptocoin network be 'crashed'? Maybe litecoin will still be put up, but I doubt namecoin will... anytime soon at least. And also Mtgox are taking a long time to get together with coinbase, so they are slow, so it could be a while before litecoin is even adopted, giving plenty of time for the price to go down. I personally think namecoin is too 'technical' for the masses ever to adopt in large numbers. 'A decentralised dns system acting as money? Wut?' But I am wrong I am wrong and more power to namecoin and if succeeds it's a good thing for alt currencies.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1029
April 02, 2013, 10:39:27 PM |
this post is responsible for doubling up the price, as a matter of fact

Gold & Silver Financial News: Silver Liberation Army, Gold & Silver News, Geopolitical & Financial News, Jim Rickards Blog, Marc Faber Blog, Jim Rogers Blog, Peter Schiff Blog, David Morgan Blog, James Turk Blog, Eric Sprott Blog, Gerald Celente Blog
April 03, 2013, 12:25:21 AM |
Do people actually think namecoin is going to get put up on mtgox just because of this? I mean, it doesn't even have it's own silk road, it's too primitive to be put up on MTGOX. Would it even survive if that happened? Can a cryptocoin network be 'crashed'? Maybe litecoin will still be put up, but I doubt namecoin will... anytime soon at least. And also Mtgox are taking a long time to get together with coinbase, so they are slow, so it could be a while before litecoin is even adopted, giving plenty of time for the price to go down. I personally think namecoin is too 'technical' for the masses ever to adopt in large numbers. 'A decentralised dns system acting as money? Wut?' But I am wrong I am wrong and more power to namecoin and if succeeds it's a good thing for alt currencies. +1 - Lolcopter! This is so very true. I've spent the last few months explaining cryptocurrencies to a lot of people, so many don't get it. The best was a family member who is very senior finance manager in one of the largest companies in the world. I was explaining how the innovation with cryptocurrencies is the relative ordering or time stamping of transaction in blocks so as to be able to prove when transactions occurred relative to each other and therefore many other applications such as for voting systems and DNS registration. His answer was simply "Why would you want to do that?" and then strongly warned off touching any cryptocurrencies. Most people don’t get abstractions, let alone abstractions of abstractions. I can't live without them.