Altcoins are otherwise known as SHITCOINS, and for a very good reason. Altcoins are mostly what people buy when they're trying to relive 2012 in the world of bitcoin--and it ain't gonna happen. Altcoins are what idiots pump out to the suckers on bitcointalk, who usually have their mouths as wide open as they can get, waiting to swallow whatever comes. But it's all garbage except for litecoin and the early ones. Those get used. The rest are just pure crap, and it's hard to argue otherwise.
Everything you said is true, but I disagree with the usefulness of Litecoin and early altcoins.
Litecoin might be original altcoin but it is still an altcoin and couple upgrades over bitcoin won't make it superior to the original.
Litecoin's usefulness is degrading over time, new aggressive alts like ETH and Ripple are taking its spot.
That is fucking retarded and soooooooo scammy.
For one thing he never said LTC was going to replace Bitcoin or was better than BTC.. YOU DID !
Ask the LTC Dev team.. they say it's good as a supplement to BTC and i agree.
Go ahead and argue that if you want. LOL
Further more your assertion that Ethereum and Ripple are better than Litecoin and are going to replace it is the dumbest load of bloody bullshit i ever heard in Crypto history !
You picked the absolute worst 2 examples in Crypto history to say that too.
Both are ultra scammy ass ICO fuck / premined 100% pure fucking bullshit.
And you are fucked in the head bad if you think a scammy load of bullshit SCHEME coin is even able to theoretically replace a Currency with a scam coin that is *NOT* a currency.
You must be smoking a fuckton of mETH buddy.. high as fuck on "fuel"
And oblivious to history.. read the feedback on both those two scam coins when they launched.
Both were flamed off the board until years later when you fucking scammy retards fucked up the scene with IPO then ICO crap scam SCHEMES.
Have at 'er morons go replace the engine in your car with a fucking banana.
That is the same thing..
Bag Holding mETH causes massive fucking brain damage obviously.
Uhhh duhhh derpty fucking derp.. what tiz altcornz ?
Simple.. Any "scheme" coin (digital token) traded on Poloniex for profit.
yup.. you really are all THAT fucking stupid and scammy.
Ripple not even a block chain based "coin" ..100% premined scam.
Ethereum ..a scam coin APP's platform 100% premined ICO.
And you in your infinite wisdom think that retarded scammy faggotry is actually going to replace a fair REAL CURRENCY ?
that is rich
Jesus this place amuses my fucking balls off hahahahhaha