canah17 (OP)
October 16, 2016, 03:47:04 PM |
For me its half special to me but still i don't really have that much bitcoin in my wallet but in my country philippines malls here don't accept bitcoin t i hope they will accept bitcoin as a payment so that bitcoin would be very special to me and never the less it will be the most thing that i will gain for from working and my salary would be bitcoin and im very okay with that and i will expect that bitcoin will conquer that malls here in philippines. 
Activity: 1904
Merit: 1074
October 16, 2016, 03:55:15 PM |
The 1st world countries are looking after their own first, that is why you are not seeing a lot of innovation and distribution of Bitcoin ATM's in developing countries now. As soon as this is done and they need more markets, they will expand further. My expectation for Bitcoin is for it to expand to all regions of the world and for them to prosper because of it. 
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1214
Dragonslots | +13k Slots & Casino Games
October 16, 2016, 04:18:50 PM |
Most countries have got limited acceptance of bitcoin in stores, but this will get increased over the years as continued adoption of bitcoin as well other digital currencies were taking place. My expectations is that bitcoin as a form of currency needs to get a paper form, which helps reach common man easily.
Activity: 3528
Merit: 1234
Enjoy 500% bonus + 70 FS
October 16, 2016, 05:20:29 PM |
For me its half special to me but still i don't really have that much bitcoin in my wallet but in my country philippines malls here don't accept bitcoin t i hope they will accept bitcoin as a payment so that bitcoin would be very special to me and never the less it will be the most thing that i will gain for from working and my salary would be bitcoin and im very okay with that and i will expect that bitcoin will conquer that malls here in philippines.  It's a long shot,we don't even had one atm that offer to withdraw bitcoin,the only one we have is and they are regulated and I don't know if all the malls operator has interest on bitcoin if ever they will be interested in crypto currency,they might start their own..
Activity: 3836
Merit: 1355
October 16, 2016, 05:27:46 PM |
For me its half special to me but still i don't really have that much bitcoin in my wallet but in my country philippines malls here don't accept bitcoin t i hope they will accept bitcoin as a payment so that bitcoin would be very special to me and never the less it will be the most thing that i will gain for from working and my salary would be bitcoin and im very okay with that and i will expect that bitcoin will conquer that malls here in philippines.  If you got a debit card that supports top up with bitcoins, then indirectly you can use those bitcoins of yours in buying or shopping in malls. that is what I do, reload my Xapo debit card and use it to purchase goods in the mall or stores that accepts Visa or Mastercard. You just really need to find a workaround for you to spend your bitcoins irl. Bitcoins is important to me since it helped me pay off most of my debts and still have a couple thousand dollars laying around for my savings and investment. Also, it prevented me on getting a credit card and just use a debit card instead. A win win for me so far.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1030
I'm looking for free spin.
October 16, 2016, 05:43:34 PM |
I think in the philippines there is a merchant that you can exchange your bitcoin into giftcard that you can use to shop in malls.. i just heard it before but i cant see right now in merchant tab if you are using coins ph.. if not they remove it i think.. If 7/11 will accept bitcoin in the future we are lucky that we can use bitcoin locally since we can deposit our money in 7/11
Decided to end it with zer0 profit.
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1024
October 17, 2016, 12:51:02 PM |
Personally I don't understand what specialty has to do with acceptance of Bitcoin in shopping malls. Bitcoin is extremely special (read: innovative), because it is an entirely new form of money that does away with centralized control and irresponsible monetary policy to increase individual economic freedom. Shopping malls are among the last adopters of Bitcoin, because these provide mostly overpriced low-quality products (advertised as being something special) to mainstream customers. They will use Bitcoin only if it already has a huge user base.
My expectations for Bitcoin are that it remains a decentralized currency and is an economic driving force for all kinds of businesses worldwide, small and big - traditional and progressive. Of course I also expect more companies accepting Bitcoin for payments, but I know that it will need considerable time. What's most important is that Bitcoin is used for direct, native payments without intermediary fiat conversion. Only this way Bitcoin will be able to fully unfold its potential.
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Activity: 1120
Merit: 1008
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
October 17, 2016, 12:55:53 PM |
The 1st world countries are looking after their own first, that is why you are not seeing a lot of innovation and distribution of Bitcoin ATM's in developing countries now. As soon as this is done and they need more markets, they will expand further. My expectation for Bitcoin is for it to expand to all regions of the world and for them to prosper because of it.  Yes this is quite true, actually most of the new technology get adopted in first tier country and to expand its uses those countries tries to help that tech to grow in all parts of the world. So bitcoin may also be treated like that in future and even in developing countries bitcoin ATM as well as merchant solution will be as normal as we have visa/mastercard ATMS and POS in every countries like we have now.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1068
WOLF.BET - Provably Fair Crypto Casino
October 17, 2016, 02:07:58 PM |
Bitcoin has met my excpectations. New, alternative currency that gives feeling of freedom transactions and business. But there are definetly people who are disappointed because they had different vision about it. Or people who from different reasons don't have access to Bitcoin and can't meet all advantages it has. Like in everything else, we are also not equal in Bitcoin too.
Activity: 3122
Merit: 1398
For support ➡️
October 17, 2016, 02:13:03 PM |
For me its half special to me but still i don't really have that much bitcoin in my wallet but in my country philippines malls here don't accept bitcoin t i hope they will accept bitcoin as a payment so that bitcoin would be very special to me and never the less it will be the most thing that i will gain for from working and my salary would be bitcoin and im very okay with that and i will expect that bitcoin will conquer that malls here in philippines.  There's an alternative/s way so don't take it as a major concern. First of all, no doubt that today, there are lots of option now to convert bitcoin into cash here in PH. Really has lots of options to suit customer's need. And besides it's still wiser if we just spend our fiat salary into spendings so that bitcoins are just saved. Back to topic, if bitcoin wasn't really special to me, I already stopped roaming here in bitcoin world but still Im here exploring many more things.
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
October 17, 2016, 02:27:16 PM |
I think bitcoin is still in its initial phase of adoption so it is normal to not see many merchants nearby which accept bitcoin. But with high speculation and media coverage bitcoin is having right now will surely make new investors, users, companies to think atleast once about grabing few bitcoins which will surely gonna increase the usability and price of bitcoin in future. So i have really high hopes regarding bitcoin to be a global currency within next few years.
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Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
October 17, 2016, 04:01:04 PM |
Bitcoin has met my excpectations. New, alternative currency that gives feeling of freedom transactions and business. But there are definetly people who are disappointed because they had different vision about it. Or people who from different reasons don't have access to Bitcoin and can't meet all advantages it has. Like in everything else, we are also not equal in Bitcoin too.
That freedom in financial transactions can be provided by any altcoin too. Bitcoin being the first of the block, people expected a lot more of it. Including rapid appreciation in value. 
October 21, 2016, 08:01:42 AM |
For me its half special to me but still i don't really have that much bitcoin in my wallet but in my country philippines malls here don't accept bitcoin t i hope they will accept bitcoin as a payment so that bitcoin would be very special to me and never the less it will be the most thing that i will gain for from working and my salary would be bitcoin and im very okay with that and i will expect that bitcoin will conquer that malls here in philippines.  Bitcoin is So Special For Me and I Have Many Expectations From Bitcoin and My First Expectation is Bitcoin Will Make Me the Richest Person in My City or In My State and My Second Expectation From Bitcoin is That Bitcoin will Grow to the Moon.......
October 21, 2016, 08:36:37 AM |
Bitcoins can be implemented in shops, if transfer times will be much faster. As you may be know shop buyers do not want to wait at cashier more than 1 - 2 minutes for transaction. Also shop owners do not waste time in waiting for transaction more than 1 - 2 minutes. So the most important expectation can be much faster transaction time.
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1283
October 21, 2016, 08:56:03 AM |
Well, even in 1st world countries there are not that many Bitcoin ATM's, so I think it will be a while before they will become prevalent around the world.
October 21, 2016, 09:06:02 AM |
When i had first entered into bitcoin then it's price was so fluctuating that i wised that price will rise to $1000 but sadly that haven't happened and my dream remains my dream. But I think very soon it's price is going to rise up because for more than 4 5 months it's stable.
October 21, 2016, 09:16:04 AM |
When i had first entered into bitcoin then it's price was so fluctuating that i wised that price will rise to $1000 but sadly that haven't happened and my dream remains my dream. But I think very soon it's price is going to rise up because for more than 4 5 months it's stable.
$1k price is not hard to achieve it can be done in next year as the adoption is going higher and its a dream of everyone to see that price and for the same majority of users are holding their coins.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1408
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
October 21, 2016, 09:36:54 AM |
I don't have much Bitcoin too, so it doesn't mean a lot to me. I am also a bit unsure whether it is safe to believe in it and leave some big money in BTC... I just care about it being a way to earn money and thus help me live my life. However, I also thing that the idea of BTC is interesting and nice. People can spend and earn money anonymously and don't have to pay taxes.
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October 21, 2016, 09:38:44 AM |
I don't have much Bitcoin too, so it doesn't mean a lot to me. I am also a bit unsure whether it is safe to believe in it and leave some big money in BTC... I just care about it being a way to earn money and thus help me live my life. However, I also thing that the idea of BTC is interesting and nice. People can spend and earn money anonymously and don't have to pay taxes.
Agreed and I think even if bitcoin gets disappear in future it won't make much difference to those who are not totally dependent on it for living and if that happens then they will move on and find other ways to earn money.
Activity: 3388
Merit: 1037
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
October 21, 2016, 11:42:36 AM |
For me its half special to me but still i don't really have that much bitcoin in my wallet but in my country philippines malls here don't accept bitcoin t i hope they will accept bitcoin as a payment so that bitcoin would be very special to me and never the less it will be the most thing that i will gain for from working and my salary would be bitcoin and im very okay with that and i will expect that bitcoin will conquer that malls here in philippines.  I guess before there is a many stores are wanna for accepting bitcoin and I think will really impossible for mall adopting bitcoin and you can see the clear answer about that from researching about how many bitcoiners in your environment. bitcoin are not special for me but just passing my expectation about them.
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