You've really only got two ways to get fiat out of Vircurex: VouchX, or coupon codes.
You can sell Vircurex coupon codes to anyone who will buy from you. I don't know any businesses that will buy them yet. If I had a little more fiat lying around today I might be interested, but I just bought something else.
For your other option, VouchX, you can sell through AurumXChange or You can take a look at bitinstant's payout methods and see if one of them suits your needs. VouchX can also be deposited at several other exchanges.
Alternatively, you can delay fiat altogether: buy BTC and transfer BTC out of Vircurex to somewhere else like, say coinbase, where you can sell BTC for a deposit into your checking account. Or you could buy BTC on Vircurex and turn around and resell to