February 10, 2017, 06:28:47 PM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
Scamming is a serious issue when we play in a casino, the 1xbit forum rep now has red trust, and fortunately yahoo contacted the owner of 1xbit, hope he can solve all the issues. Otherwise scammers will scam more coins. I read the accusation and the representative of 1xbit (maybe the owner) in this forum had contacted the person. Well as far as I know they are looking at the possible grounds why those accounts are suspended and the possible way to solve the problem. So it is still under investigation. Anyway I hope 1xbit will fix this issue soon. I am sure this problem will be solved soon the last time I checked the owner said that h4ns case is the high priority atm, and perhaps the owner need to consider changing crews. If in the first place they have established a good communication with the complainant, it would have been solved faster. Or at least this people would have known the ground why their account is freezed.
Activity: 3402
Merit: 1408
Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!
February 10, 2017, 06:36:23 PM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
Scamming is a serious issue when we play in a casino, the 1xbit forum rep now has red trust, and fortunately yahoo contacted the owner of 1xbit, hope he can solve all the issues. Otherwise scammers will scam more coins. I read the accusation and the representative of 1xbit (maybe the owner) in this forum had contacted the person. Well as far as I know they are looking at the possible grounds why those accounts are suspended and the possible way to solve the problem. So it is still under investigation. Anyway I hope 1xbit will fix this issue soon. So it is still not known whose fault it is? I mean, maybe some users just agreed with each other and gave 1xbit negative trust and maybe it is some payment pending? Yahoo is trusted, so if he's still in, I think it is just some mistake. Site looks nice although sport betting isn't my thing anyway, I just don't know the teams and how it all goes. Or would you say knowledge doesn't mean much here and I should try betting even without having much clue about it as if it was dice?
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Activity: 48
Merit: 0
February 11, 2017, 10:26:57 PM |
This site has a lot of betting options, looks good.  . It would be great if we could have any deposit bonus
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1304
February 11, 2017, 11:23:43 PM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
Scamming is a serious issue when we play in a casino, the 1xbit forum rep now has red trust, and fortunately yahoo contacted the owner of 1xbit, hope he can solve all the issues. Otherwise scammers will scam more coins. I read the accusation and the representative of 1xbit (maybe the owner) in this forum had contacted the person. Well as far as I know they are looking at the possible grounds why those accounts are suspended and the possible way to solve the problem. So it is still under investigation. Anyway I hope 1xbit will fix this issue soon. I am sure this problem will be solved soon the last time I checked the owner said that h4ns case is the high priority atm, and perhaps the owner need to consider changing crews. If in the first place they have established a good communication with the complainant, it would have been solved faster. Or at least this people would have known the ground why their account is freezed. i've seen the owner posting some message on their scam accusation thread and tellin that they truly priority h4ns for this issue and it will be good for them if this case will be solve immediately so that we can see if the owner of this site has intention to run a good business with no scam intention at all. So better people should follow this one if they are interested to bet on 1xbit.
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Activity: 3780
Merit: 1378
February 12, 2017, 07:49:33 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
Scamming is a serious issue when we play in a casino, the 1xbit forum rep now has red trust, and fortunately yahoo contacted the owner of 1xbit, hope he can solve all the issues. Otherwise scammers will scam more coins. I read the accusation and the representative of 1xbit (maybe the owner) in this forum had contacted the person. Well as far as I know they are looking at the possible grounds why those accounts are suspended and the possible way to solve the problem. So it is still under investigation. Anyway I hope 1xbit will fix this issue soon. I am sure this problem will be solved soon the last time I checked the owner said that h4ns case is the high priority atm, and perhaps the owner need to consider changing crews. If in the first place they have established a good communication with the complainant, it would have been solved faster. Or at least this people would have known the ground why their account is freezed. i've seen the owner posting some message on their scam accusation thread and tellin that they truly priority h4ns for this issue and it will be good for them if this case will be solve immediately so that we can see if the owner of this site has intention to run a good business with no scam intention at all. So better people should follow this one if they are interested to bet on 1xbit. Its better for regular players and new players to wait till the issue is solved before making more deposits and bets. Its been 3weeks but still not solved yet, in fact it is only less than 5btc which should not be a big deal for a sportsbook that has great paying signature campaign. Hope this will be solved soon as they have already said "high priority"
| .SHUFFLE.COM.. | ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ | ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ | . ...Next Generation Crypto Casino... |
Activity: 3066
Merit: 2814
Enjoying $100k
February 12, 2017, 08:52:53 AM Last edit: February 12, 2017, 09:07:04 AM by Pamoldar |
This site has a lot of betting options, looks good.  . It would be great if we could have any deposit bonus A first time bonus of upto 1BTC is available provided you go through know your customer verifications only issue is the live chat
Live chat is 24/7 but It feels like you chatting with a bot with a lot of copy and paste off-topic solutions! _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I hope the investigations that are ongoing when concluded will compensate the victim for lost time and all inconveniences
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1304
February 12, 2017, 11:08:23 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
Scamming is a serious issue when we play in a casino, the 1xbit forum rep now has red trust, and fortunately yahoo contacted the owner of 1xbit, hope he can solve all the issues. Otherwise scammers will scam more coins. I read the accusation and the representative of 1xbit (maybe the owner) in this forum had contacted the person. Well as far as I know they are looking at the possible grounds why those accounts are suspended and the possible way to solve the problem. So it is still under investigation. Anyway I hope 1xbit will fix this issue soon. I am sure this problem will be solved soon the last time I checked the owner said that h4ns case is the high priority atm, and perhaps the owner need to consider changing crews. If in the first place they have established a good communication with the complainant, it would have been solved faster. Or at least this people would have known the ground why their account is freezed. i've seen the owner posting some message on their scam accusation thread and tellin that they truly priority h4ns for this issue and it will be good for them if this case will be solve immediately so that we can see if the owner of this site has intention to run a good business with no scam intention at all. So better people should follow this one if they are interested to bet on 1xbit. Its better for regular players and new players to wait till the issue is solved before making more deposits and bets. Its been 3weeks but still not solved yet, in fact it is only less than 5btc which should not be a big deal for a sportsbook that has great paying signature campaign. Hope this will be solved soon as they have already said "high priority" thats the best thing they could do since if theirs another problem that will occur again im very sure that devs works would getting more harder since their troublshooting will be piled by another error again. But if they truly taking some immediate counteraction for it i think it wouldn't be last for 3 weeks and thats a long wait for us if we are the one who encounters that.
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Activity: 3234
Merit: 1518
February 13, 2017, 02:01:11 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
I have used the sportsbetting site starting when this signature campaign began. I have no real problems with them with my cashouts or problems with my betting pay slips. Everything is as it should be and I do not know what scams some are claiming in this thread and at scam accusations. They are maybe paid users to spread FUD or angry gamblers who lost money.
| | . .Duelbits│SPORTS. | | | ▄▄▄███████▄▄▄ ▄▄█████████████████▄▄ ▄███████████████████████▄ ███████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████ ███████████████████████████ ▀████████████████████████ ▀▀███████████████████ ██████████████████████████████ | | | | ██ ██ ██ ██
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██ ██ ██ ██
██ ██ ██ | | | | 10% CASHBACK 100% MULTICHARGER | │ | | │ |
February 13, 2017, 02:11:26 AM |
Secriously, this site is becoming a disaster in the bitcoin community, its father site 1xbet has bad reputation in fiat gambling industry, but this time they are nortorious in bitcoin industry. Shame on them. Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
I have used the sportsbetting site starting when this signature campaign began. I have no real problems with them with my cashouts or problems with my betting pay slips. Everything is as it should be and I do not know what scams some are claiming in this thread and at scam accusations. They are maybe paid users to spread FUD or angry gamblers who lost money. When you claim they are paid to spread FUD, but they have proofs, and yahoo contacted the site owner. You keep ignoring the truth and it seems that you are paid to help this scam casino, and you still don't explain this issue of pirated slots? actmyname and me asked you shills to explain this scam, but you can't answer and keep ignoring, just earn your daily hard posting money, good shills. 
Activity: 3346
Merit: 1328
Top-tier crypto casino and sportsbook
February 13, 2017, 04:29:11 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
I have used the sportsbetting site starting when this signature campaign began. I have no real problems with them with my cashouts or problems with my betting pay slips. Everything is as it should be and I do not know what scams some are claiming in this thread and at scam accusations. They are maybe paid users to spread FUD or angry gamblers who lost money. Didn't you read the accusation made by h4ns? In his case, he did not lose on betting but he won on several bets then his account is blocked. Even if they are paid users to spread FUD as you think, then everything should be explained clearly instead of keep ignoring. One more point, 1 or 2 scam accusation is still important thing to be noted by others. People should not ignore it just because you and other players say that they have no issues on this site.
February 13, 2017, 10:00:41 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
I have used the sportsbetting site starting when this signature campaign began. I have no real problems with them with my cashouts or problems with my betting pay slips. Everything is as it should be and I do not know what scams some are claiming in this thread and at scam accusations. They are maybe paid users to spread FUD or angry gamblers who lost money. Yes its true about their sportbetting and most of us here were having good feedbacks and found out no problems with betting pay slips. But we have no controls on those poor minded persons claiming scam accusations to this site, and truth is that circumstances that became their reasons of their concern was their human error and not the site itself.

Activity: 148
Merit: 41
February 13, 2017, 11:30:00 AM |
@Babayega31 and @bbc.reporter: You have so disqualified yourselves for any comments on the reliability of 1xbit. You are totally ignoring the facts. Legendary user Peeps Place has graded 1xbit with an "F" rating: user minifrij (Trust: 48: -0 / +6 ) has put 1xbit on his SCAM list: Legendary user shorena (Trust: 60: -0 / +6) has red flagged the user Legendary user markj113 (Trust: 10: -0 / +1) has red flagged him, too. Hero member yahoo62278 (Trust: 15: -0 / +2) has contacted him to solve my problem. User replied that they work on my case with high priority. And you guys still degrading me as a fake user that wants to harm 1xbit? I mean, seriously?
Activity: 3052
Merit: 1304
February 13, 2017, 11:44:12 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
I have used the sportsbetting site starting when this signature campaign began. I have no real problems with them with my cashouts or problems with my betting pay slips. Everything is as it should be and I do not know what scams some are claiming in this thread and at scam accusations. They are maybe paid users to spread FUD or angry gamblers who lost money. just try to escalate some things and surely you wouln't get a problem upon on your withdrawal if your withdrawal balance is not as huge s h4ns balance, and 1xbit already answered regarding this matter and they say that they will prioritize h4ns and solve his problem so that means that he's claim is very true, try to investigate for yourself and seek for the reason on why this error still occur and.not been solved by them.
R |
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February 13, 2017, 11:45:55 AM |
@Babayega31 and @bbc.reporter: You have so disqualified yourselves for any comments on the reliability of 1xbit. You are totally ignoring the facts. Legendary user Peeps Place has graded 1xbit with an "F" rating: user minifrij (Trust: 48: -0 / +6 ) has put 1xbit on his SCAM list: Legendary user shorena (Trust: 60: -0 / +6) has red flagged the user Legendary user markj113 (Trust: 10: -0 / +1) has red flagged him, too. Hero member yahoo62278 (Trust: 15: -0 / +2) has contacted him to solve my problem. User replied that they work on my case with high priority. And you guys still degrading me as a fake user that wants to harm 1xbit? I mean, seriously? Great, @Babayega31 and @bbc.reporter are wearing the signature of 1xbit, so that is the reason why they ignore the fact, so you should stop arguing them, it is wasting time.
Activity: 3780
Merit: 1378
February 13, 2017, 11:46:25 AM |
Is the opened scam accusation about this service anything that someone should be worried about ? I guess I've seen two until now and I want to know what's the current situation for the other players.
I have used the sportsbetting site starting when this signature campaign began. I have no real problems with them with my cashouts or problems with my betting pay slips. Everything is as it should be and I do not know what scams some are claiming in this thread and at scam accusations. They are maybe paid users to spread FUD or angry gamblers who lost money. Yes its true about their sportbetting and most of us here were having good feedbacks and found out no problems with betting pay slips. But we have no controls on those poor minded persons claiming scam accusations to this site, and truth is that circumstances that became their reasons of their concern was their human error and not the site itself. "Most of us here"? Are you referring "us" to those who advertising 1xbit through signature campaign? Yes of course, all the good feedback are from you (sign camp participants) You ignore the fact that there are some people getting a serious problem on this site. In case of h4ns issue, is that humab error? Nope, he did not do something against any terms from 1xbit. He is just a normal player who bet several bets on the same match because he knew that the bet has great chance to win. Is it prohibitted on 1xbit?
| .SHUFFLE.COM.. | ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ | ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ ███████████████████████ | . ...Next Generation Crypto Casino... |
Activity: 3136
Merit: 1292
February 13, 2017, 06:03:04 PM |
It good news that you had your account back again. Though it sad that you had to take the fall due to the fault of the site in placing odds on that match. It seems one case solved now though it is not the best for you h4ns I am glad you can move your funds now.
| CASINOBET | ████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ████ |
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Activity: 3066
Merit: 2814
Enjoying $100k
February 13, 2017, 06:24:00 PM |
It good news that you had your account back again. Though it sad that you had to take the fall due to the fault of the site in placing odds on that match. It seems one case solved now though it is not the best for you h4ns I am glad you can move your funds now. Really took too long to conclude but its good 1xbit finally had this resolved and hope we shall not be experiencing something similar. Great sportsbook by the way and supersonic grading of games!
Bee Cho Chen
February 13, 2017, 06:33:02 PM |
I am very disappointed after hearing this fiasco. I found this website and noticed they had odds for matches I could not find elsewhere. I was very exciting to start playing on there until I read about all of this.
The case should have been resolved extremely quick. It is this simple. If there was a line error you guys (1xBit) should have simply voided his bets and returned his wager. Blocking his account and dodging/not responding to his questions is pretty shady.
I want to play on 1xBit, but I am extremely hesitant now...
Activity: 2254
Merit: 1043
February 13, 2017, 07:47:29 PM Last edit: February 13, 2017, 09:22:51 PM by markj113 |
I didn't play much, registered on December 20, placed 20-30 bets and everything was alright until the match Tus Koblenz-Turanspor.
h4ns, I have an update. *** Sorry for the delay in our response. It took time to investigate this issue in details. Unfortunately we are forced to cancel the bets on TuS Koblenz – Turanspor Mannheim match. All your bets on this specific event were refunded. Your account and funds are unblocked for withdrawal. We apologize for inconvenience. *** This is the official position. Yes, this match is the reason. Bets on this match were refunded all the others were unblocked. I can't do more, sorry. DO NOT POST SESC LINKS deserves every bit of negative feedback left. Sounds like they dont like the odds they offered and now after fucking the OP around for 3 weeks they decide not to pay out. Investigation summary: After 3 weeks looking for dirt on you as an excuse not to pay we cant find anything but we have decided just not to pay you anyway because we dont want to.Only an idiot would use this service again.