Yesterday, I forwarded a
few coins into a service I regularly use. I usually pay the same fee, and it kicks in without a hitch, most of the time it only takes an hour to confirm but this time, it has taken almost 24 hours and still no confirmation. I've had this problem before, but that was on the past year when stress testing on the network was happening.
Aside from the fee I've inputted in there (which usually does the job whenever I send some coins), what are the other factors that helps it to be not confirmed in the chain? Are there any methods to double spend it or reverse the said tx?
The fees are low. It's 22 satoshi per byte and the recommended is 110 per byte. If you ask me I'd say you're very lucky if you've sent a tx with that kind of fees lately and always get a confirmation in a hour. So I have to ask, are you sure you're not mistaking 0.00005
BTC for 0.0005
Tx fees required to get fast confirmation changes all the time according to the number of unconfirmed transactions currently waiting in the mempool, and the size of your transaction.