October 27, 2016, 09:37:57 AM |
Hoping i will be able to get a reply about something that has been bothering me the longest regarding Proof of Stake and unable to find an answer despite my attempts on many forums.
My question is regarding the block rewards. Maybe i understand it wrongly but if i were to relate it to Bitcoin where in every block there is a reward (50) now 25. How does the proof of stake block reward then? Seeing some alt coins these days giving very generous interest, some 1% a day! However in my experience downloading and staking these coins, the reward is never consistently what it claims. Take for example a 1% interest a day coin. The rewards come a few days once and it does not equate to 1% daily. I understand this involves coin age. so let me give an example.
I have 1000 coins that have been staking for 3 days. On the fourth woo hoo, i finally get to mint a PoS block. How does this block suddenly have say 3.7 coins to give me compared to say another who mint a PoS block and was awarded 109 coins because he has a larger stake.
So my question. How does the block KNOW how to give this figures? It cannot be random and how is the block designed to say generate coins out of the blue according to stake? In other words, there must be a method to this fixed randomness?
Any formula regarding how the protocol is designed will be so helpful...