Peleus (OP)

Activity: 112
Merit: 100
April 04, 2013, 12:17:20 PM |
Hey all,
I'm wondering if there is a particularly good mining OS out there? Anything that affects speeds or accepts a wider range of mining software? Leaning towards a linux based solution but I'm open to anything.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
April 04, 2013, 08:28:55 PM |
Personally, I would think whatever OS can run on the smallest hardware specs to cut down on cost of equipment and power consumption. But, then again you will find that's what FPGA boards and stuff were born from.
So... guess you are wanting to do GPU mining which does require a full blown computer. Not sure there really is a difference to the mining process in regards to what OS it uses.
*DISCLAIMER: I am not a miner...yet.
April 04, 2013, 10:21:24 PM |
Whatever you use, don't use OS X.
April 04, 2013, 11:26:09 PM |
Hey all,
I'm wondering if there is a particularly good mining OS out there? Anything that affects speeds or accepts a wider range of mining software? Leaning towards a linux based solution but I'm open to anything.
Xununtu 12.04 or BAMT depending on your setup.
April 06, 2013, 06:46:49 AM |
For most people, Windows will be the easiest to set up and use. The computer I'm using now to access this site is my Win7 computer. It's running Guiminer. I have two other boxes that run Xubuntu 12.04. I followed this guide:, if you're going to run cgminer on Linux, you should be at least somewhat familiar with Linux. My only knowledge of Linux came from working on servers, and that was enough to get me through. And, you can't beat the price of Linux.
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1001
Okey Dokey Lokey
April 06, 2013, 07:01:29 AM |
My vote goes to Win7+CGMiner But the winner is Linux+BFGminer
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
April 06, 2013, 03:08:45 PM |
My vote goes to Win7+CGMiner But the winner is Linux+BFGminer
I use Win7+CGMiner and Linux+CGMiner. Both work awesome.

Activity: 103
Merit: 10
April 10, 2013, 05:12:57 AM |
OS really doesn't matter that much for mining. Just use whatever you are most familiar with. I would recommend windows or a Linux distro because those have most of the mining software first.
Many Linux distros are considered to be more stable, but I would think that the gpu drivers are way more likely to crash than the OS when mining.
Activity: 32
Merit: 0
April 10, 2013, 04:21:43 PM |
OS really doesn't matter that much for mining. Just use whatever you are most familiar with. I would recommend windows or a Linux distro because those have most of the mining software first.
Many Linux distros are considered to be more stable, but I would think that the gpu drivers are way more likely to crash than the OS when mining.
I've read a lot of complaints about Linux AMD drivers crashing, can anybody comment on that point? Quite frankly, the Windows drivers crash too so it might be an empty comparison, just curious.
April 13, 2013, 12:30:06 AM |
I've read a lot of complaints about Linux AMD drivers crashing, can anybody comment on that point? Quite frankly, the Windows drivers crash too so it might be an empty comparison, just curious.
nonsense. Linux is rock solid
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1035
April 13, 2013, 01:22:24 AM |
The Best OS is the one you get get mining in 4 hours. If you know Linux don't putz around with Windows and visa versa. Both are fine.
Just don't try OSX.
April 13, 2013, 03:38:42 AM |
The Best OS is the one you get get mining in 4 hours. If you know Linux don't putz around with Windows and visa versa. Both are fine.
Windows sucks, it's overhead is to large and it cuts into your hashing speed.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
April 13, 2013, 04:36:47 AM |
The Best OS is the one you get get mining in 4 hours. If you know Linux don't putz around with Windows and visa versa. Both are fine.
Windows sucks, it's overhead is to large and it cuts into your hashing speed. Hmm. That is just not true. Pretty much. Not too much of the Windows "features" run on the GPU, which is the only thing that would hurt your hashrate. You could make a case for things like Aero, but that can all be turned off. I noticed almost no hashrate difference switching from Win7 to Gentoo.
April 13, 2013, 05:55:33 AM |
I have run and got top hashing rates on Windows. Just disable/remove all the bloatware that Windows comes with. Disable/stop all services/apps you don't need and you'll be ok.
there is no way you can get windows to run as fast as my centos box, simply no way. xorg uses 99.7% of the power of my machine with only .299999% being used to support ALL other programs. and it's stable and can run for many months without any need to touch it. could probably run years.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1035
April 13, 2013, 08:48:20 AM Last edit: April 13, 2013, 09:04:26 AM by DrG |
I have run and got top hashing rates on Windows. Just disable/remove all the bloatware that Windows comes with. Disable/stop all services/apps you don't need and you'll be ok.
there is no way you can get windows to run as fast as my centos box, simply no way. xorg uses 99.7% of the power of my machine with only .299999% being used to support ALL other programs. and it's stable and can run for many months without any need to touch it. could probably run years. You and that Centos 5..... Ignorance is bliss huh? I have a MSI 890FXA-GD70 that ran for over 1 year without rebooting in Win 7 x64. Only reason I shut it down was to clean the fans and switch to Stratum with the newer CGMiner (11/12). Since switching to the newer stratum I left it on the original CGMiner from back in November - so that's another 6 months without even stopping CGMiner. I'm making 1245 MH/s with 4 6870s on a 620W PSU. I'm sure many Gentoo/Ubuntu/BAMT users have similar stories. No need to make crap up... you don't get gold stars or cookies for it.
Activity: 952
Merit: 1000
April 13, 2013, 02:06:16 PM |
I have run and got top hashing rates on Windows. Just disable/remove all the bloatware that Windows comes with. Disable/stop all services/apps you don't need and you'll be ok.
there is no way you can get windows to run as fast as my centos box, simply no way. xorg uses 99.7% of the power of my machine with only .299999% being used to support ALL other programs. and it's stable and can run for many months without any need to touch it. could probably run years. You and that Centos 5..... Ignorance is bliss huh? I have a MSI 890FXA-GD70 that ran for over 1 year without rebooting in Win 7 x64. Only reason I shut it down was to clean the fans and switch to Stratum with the newer CGMiner (11/12). Since switching to the newer stratum I left it on the original CGMiner from back in November - so that's another 6 months without even stopping CGMiner. I'm making 1245 MH/s with 4 6870s on a 620W PSU. I'm sure many Gentoo/Ubuntu/BAMT users have similar stories. No need to make crap up... you don't get gold stars or cookies for it. Yep I've mined for Gentoo/Ubuntu/Win7/Win8, and it's more about the stability of the miner program or drivers than the OS.

Activity: 640
Merit: 56
June 05, 2018, 06:30:34 AM |
Yes, I see this is an old thread, but it's somehow still ranking on duckduckgo, so I guess it's best to "refresh" it a bit. In couple of weeks new msOS will be released with including advanced dashboard, remote overclocking, shutdown/reboot/reset, mass config editor etc. You'll find it here under mining OS. 
Copper Member
Jr. Member
Activity: 148
Merit: 1
December 30, 2018, 09:14:38 AM |
cent os best for mining quick money, a lot of drivers
Copper Member
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
January 08, 2024, 04:02:49 PM |
hive OS is the best for mining, lots of miner using HIVE OS for altcoin mining and low fees