you have no idea about the real Americans (aka the Indians?) lol... what do they teach in school nowadays
I have an idea but I didn't get what you want to say between your words? More precisions maybe? Am I the only one who didn't fully understood this?
Btw school will not teach you everything and maybe the chapters may contain a few mistakes
There was a native tribe who went to russia to start a new life. A documentary was made on them on RT. I found it super cool (the doc) and the idea to move to "greener" pasture, no more exhaust from frack wells and clean water. I just wanted to know how they were going and if their new life was okay. And if they could reconnect to the Earth there.
Some of the "mistakes" are intentional... for a long time you would never had a geo grad if you defended the round earth
sorry for my lack of context, I thought that everyone was watching Rt