any custom firmware for titans???
I added support for custom overclocks if a Titan is plugged in, Neptune and Jupiter pickup the padrino firmware overclocks as well.. The big win here is support for running the Titans with a Beaglebone, no RPi and no bridge board required.
You could contact gen tarkin and ask how he licenses his stuff for sale with a code etc locked into the Titan's say BBB etc
then just sell them to folk who get their own BBB imho probably would make enough at the front end ..then chasing the price down on what you need in BTC
on the A4's come out and swamp the scrypt what I mean is....dropping your price chasing this may not work as well for BTC up front as
just selling the stuff in some manner above NOW for a price you can get for those interested...
quite frankly at the LTC increase in difficulty and the slow slide of all scrypt coins..this could all be kinda moot by Feb 2017 or March 2017 at this rate of FUD and price.
Anyway ...folk would buy such now and worry about their own BBB to install it on...I'm not sure what kinda interest you will get on this IF complete Titan units
start dumping on the market again at greatly reduced prices due to the above
anyway my view for what it is SHOULD have tried to get that BBB price last summer you could have got your 10 BTC at that er ..not so much imho