If alts start having their own fork, their market price will reduce just like what happened to Ethereum and Zcash.
Monero Classic came and went and Monero is looking ok to me.
I'm still waiting for Litecoin Classic or PayPal Classic. Lol!
Maybe we should have a Classic only market? And a Classic Altcoin section on Bitcointalk
Wait until we get Ethereum Unlimited, Monero Unlimited, Zcash Unlimited, Litecoin Unlimited come along.
I'll mine anything for profit,
i used to care about the tech but if i am honest, its all about the Bitcoin. Shut your GPUs down and run a SegWit node (it can be downloaded from the link at the top of this page) until the next big profit Altcoin comes along and use your electric budget for buying more Bitcoin
But i don't think there is enough time left to get a new coin up, running and trusted by folk before the Global fiat meltdown begins.
Okay I am going to shamelessly shill
my vaporware "Bitcoin killer".
I am extremely confident that my (yet unpublished) white paper is the Holy Grail that we've been waiting for. Originally I had "unprofitable proof-of-work" in the design which I wasn't satisfied with because I quote from my white paper (note the cited sections of the whitepaper quoted below have
been published in my recent posts on BCT):
The finality of a consensus epoch must be defined carefully so as to be secure against any possible game theory attack.
Early variants of this design contemplated employing Satoshi's proof-of-work in various design variants to achieve finality of [redacted] transactions and/or relative ordering of [redacted] checkpoints. But Satoshi's proof-of-work is (as explained in the prior sections) a design flaw that trends towards a winner-take-all centralization of control. Unprofitable proof-of-work was contemplated, but it must be paid for as a transaction fee and/or excess computing resources on the personal use computers creating the transactions (c.f. the section “Proof-of-Work on CPUs Belies Economics of Specialization”), both of which are too small to be secure against rented 51% (plus botnet) hashrate (CPUs or necessarily only a fraction of Bitcoin's ASIC miners, c.f. the section “Power-law Distribution Control”) double-spend and difficulty adjustment attacks. Proof-of-work is also undesirable because it extracts value from the ecosystem, burns it wastefully, and is not permissionless in the sense that the control trends towards a cartel of miners and eventually winner-take-all.
But I've eliminated proof-of-work entirely from the final design (so you won't be able to mine it but I am also not planning to sell most of it in an ICO nor retain it as a premine), and I understand very well now the taxonomy of security and power vacuum issues for any possible consensus design (including Byzantine consensus designs such as Stellar).
So my vaporcoin won't have "Classic" in the name. It won't be a rehash of any one of PoW, (D)PoS, nor a DAG. It will be something new and better in a very clearly enumerated way, that solves all of the problems with have now with Bitcoin.
On top of that, it will ship with a Steemit-like concept on top of it to drive mass adoption. But that part won't be a Steemit Classic either. It will be a very different onboarding concept, not just a fair relaunch. Also it is possible to do (Ethereum-like) smart contracts more safely.
It will be only be published when there is a testnet and published with the comprehensive technical details in the whitepaper, so the BS and vaporware can be differentiated from hype.
The global collapse is not what is going to drive the popularity of crypto-currency. Anonymity is not what is going to drive the popularity of crypto-currency. We have time. Bitcoin is fatally flawed. The more time goes on, the worse Bitcoin's
insoluble, clusterfucked,
power vacuum politics will become: