and why is no one here talking about it?
Honeymoon period. Folks in the market are mainly happy because Republican Senate/House is saying 'tax cuts'
But wait for it. With 40% of the population pissed off about the results. (would work vice versa) and Trump as President
it is only a certain amount of time for the next f*ck up or snafu.....
Problem is it is quite easy to dismantle a lot of gov't services and decrease taxes mainly at the top....but the 2nd step
of what and how much to replace the system you've just replaced usually costs more $$$ in the short run (at least in business)
before the long term benefits of them upgrades (assuming they work) come in to play.
In politics, that is where it all breaks down for either party. They can't come thru on the 2nd part of the plan nor keep a budget/ or task on how much
$$$ to toss at it for the change over....and hell when all is said and done an your particular party/re-election/donor needs are met...why sweat the
next step...when you can spread FUD and such and try to blame the other party or whatever scrape goat seems appropriate
With one party rule however and overwhelming over ride power by the Senate/House...gonna be hard to shift blame and FUD on the Democrats
they have no power at all. In fact the majority of states have Republican Governor's and again Chump or Champ the next 2 years
if there is turmoil place to duck
so again wait for it is a one wheel cart ......sailing down a hill.....just a matter of time ...and BTC will rise as a safe haven.
*unless other FUD on trying to ban bitcoin..which would not be possible but hey makes for great politics and press all that FUD on tiny BTC
rather then dwell on REAL WORLD big problems. It is all a magic trick folks promise much/deliver little/add some misdirection of FUD ..blame etc...then
But again the above 'whirly gizmo' always blows up often in a spectacular fashion...thus I'm holding BTC still. This too shall pass.