Has anyone here invested or thinking of investing into hashpoke.com? I've read that they have a good ROI, unlike the most of other services and was thinking of testibg it out. Anyone?
Well, let's do a tiny bit of research and see where it leads...
According to their web page, here is the team -
Right off the bat, the first three guys names do not match their faces at all. I'm not trying to sound racist but no way - it's a long shot that all three have euro names by birth.
Let's look at the "founder":
Here is his
LinkedIn page and it appears all he has ever done is HashPoke and claims to be the SEO manager yet on the HashPoke site, he is the founder. Also, as far as LinkedIn, it appears he is the only person in the company.
Second guy from left,
Thies Jeurnink, is nowhere to be found on the internet other than HashPoke...
Third guy from the left is
Pier Bloemhof whose name is actually Berat Akhan?
First guy on the right,
Joris Dutler, has a
facebook page with the same image as above but other than that, is only found on the HashPoke website.
If this "business" involves
clarinet playing Turks who wont use their real name, I would steer clear.