Unfortunately, it isn't that easy to dismiss. There are two factors: the computational speed and the algorithm.
A quantum computer using a simple brute force algorithm like what might be done on current computers indeed would not be a problem. However, quantum computers are especially suited for using a different algorithm that reduces the computation time by a huge factor.
An analogyThe time to search an unsorted array is described as Θ(n), which means the average number of operations is proportional to the number of items in the array. In contrast, the time to search a sorted array is Θ(log n).
Let's compare times assuming that an operation takes 1 ns (
1000000000 second).
Count | Unsorted Ops | Sorted Ops | Time Comparison |
10 | 10 | 3 | 10 ns vs. 3 ns |
1000 | 1000 | 10 | 1000 ns vs. 10 ns |
1 million | 1 million | 20 | 1000000 ns vs. 20 ns |
1012 | 1012 | 40 | 1000 second vs. 0.000000040 seconds |
2128 | 2128 | 128 | 1020 centuries vs. 0.000000128 seconds |
The algorithm makes all the difference in the world. Please note that the times are not actual times, and there is quite a bit of hand waving.
In the end, as panju1 and DooMAD noted, a solution is to switch to a "quantum-resistant" cryptography. However, quantum-resistant cryptography is still being developed, and the danger is that quantum computers will be able to break current cryptography (including Bitcoin) before quantum-resistant cryptography can be developed.