November 21, 2016, 05:33:19 PM |
It can be confirmed but it might take days. There's a decent chance that it will be dropped by the network before that happens. In that case the bitcoins will return to the sender's wallet. According to https://bitcoinfees.21.co/ a transaction with 10 satoshi per byte will take 50-Inf minutes (Inf is infinite).
Activity: 3570
Merit: 5012
November 21, 2016, 06:18:24 PM |
- snip - I withdraw this from online wallet and this stupid wallet put this small fee. - snip -
You should contact support for that wallet and tell them that they need to fix this. If the wallet does not provide a way for you to control the fees, then you should also stop using that wallet until this problem is fixed AND they fix the wallet so it doesn't do this anymore. You should also tell us which wallet this is so that we can ALL stop using the wallet until they fix the wallet so it doesn't do this anymore.
Jack4009 (OP)
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
November 21, 2016, 06:31:27 PM |
- snip - I withdraw this from online wallet and this stupid wallet put this small fee. - snip -
You should contact support for that wallet and tell them that they need to fix this. If the wallet does not provide a way for you to control the fees, then you should also stop using that wallet until this problem is fixed AND they fix the wallet so it doesn't do this anymore. You should also tell us which wallet this is so that we can ALL stop using the wallet until they fix the wallet so it doesn't do this anymore. It is perfectmoney bitcoin wallet.I withrawn my bitcoins today and they send it with this small fee.Please is there any chance it can get confirm,if i continue rebroadcast the raw hex of this tx on the network every 2 hours so that network do not forget about this?
Activity: 3570
Merit: 5012
November 21, 2016, 07:01:01 PM |
It is perfectmoney bitcoin wallet. I withrawn my bitcoins today and they send it with this small fee.
Contact perfectmoney and ask them to fix this for you. Please is there any chance it can get confirm,if i continue rebroadcast the raw hex of this tx on the network every 2 hours so that network do not forget about this?
Yes, there is a chance it can get confirmed. You just have to wait for ALL of the higher paying transactions to get confirmed OR until a solo-miner or pool decides to confirm it for you aout of the charity in their heart. If you keep re-broadcasting the transaction, then this might happen in the next few hours, or days, or weeks, or months, or years. Also, you could contact someone that has the ability to add transactions to blocks for one of the larger pools and offer to pay them to get the transaction confirmed in that pool's next block.
Jack4009 (OP)
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
November 21, 2016, 07:25:36 PM |
It is perfectmoney bitcoin wallet. I withrawn my bitcoins today and they send it with this small fee.
Contact perfectmoney and ask them to fix this for you. Please is there any chance it can get confirm,if i continue rebroadcast the raw hex of this tx on the network every 2 hours so that network do not forget about this?
Yes, there is a chance it can get confirmed. You just have to wait for ALL of the higher paying transactions to get confirmed OR until a solo-miner or pool decides to confirm it for you aout of the charity in their heart. If you keep re-broadcasting the transaction, then this might happen in the next few hours, or days, or weeks, or months, or years. Also, you could contact someone that has the ability to add transactions to blocks for one of the larger pools and offer to pay them to get the transaction confirmed in that pool's next block. Is there any auto online sevice that rebroadcast my tx automatically every 6 hours? any script?
Activity: 3570
Merit: 5012
November 21, 2016, 11:07:30 PM |
Is there any auto online sevice that rebroadcast my tx automatically every 6 hours?
Not that I'm aware of. any script?
I'm certain that people have written such scripts. I don't know if any of them are publicly available.
Copper Member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1584
No I dont escrow anymore.
November 21, 2016, 11:17:02 PM |
Is there any auto online sevice that rebroadcast my tx automatically every 6 hours?
Not that I'm aware of. any script?
I'm certain that people have written such scripts. I don't know if any of them are publicly available. Windows batch: @echo off :start
echo --- "c:\Program Files\Bitcoin\daemon\bitcoin-cli.exe" sendrawtransaction rawtxhere echo --- echo Time: %time% waiting 30 minutes timeout /t 1800 /nobreak > NUL echo ---
goto start
Ruby (can handle multiple if needed): require bitcoin_rpc.rb #https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/API_reference_(JSON-RPC) btc = BitcoinRPC.new("http://#{user}:#{pass}@#{ip_addr}:#{port}") txs = Array.new txs << "raw tx here" txs.each do | raw_tx | answer = btc.sendrawtransaction(raw_tx) p answer #puts out tx id or error end
Im not really here, its just your imagination.
November 22, 2016, 02:42:58 AM |
It is perfectmoney bitcoin wallet. I withrawn my bitcoins today and they send it with this small fee.
Contact perfectmoney and ask them to fix this for you. Please is there any chance it can get confirm,if i continue rebroadcast the raw hex of this tx on the network every 2 hours so that network do not forget about this?
Yes, there is a chance it can get confirmed. You just have to wait for ALL of the higher paying transactions to get confirmed OR until a solo-miner or pool decides to confirm it for you aout of the charity in their heart. If you keep re-broadcasting the transaction, then this might happen in the next few hours, or days, or weeks, or months, or years. Also, you could contact someone that has the ability to add transactions to blocks for one of the larger pools and offer to pay them to get the transaction confirmed in that pool's next block. Years? I read in somewhere that this transactions with low fees return to the original wallet after some time(few days), it's an wrong info? What about double spending? Can solve this problem? Sending a higher fee with the same amount from transaction?
Activity: 3570
Merit: 5012
November 22, 2016, 03:15:43 AM |
Possibly. Or possibly even never. I read in somewhere that this transactions with low fees return to the original wallet after some time(few days), it's an wrong info?
That is "wrong info". There are a LOT of people who give advice on here even if they don't know anything. They just make stuff up, and everyone else repeats their nonsense. If nobody re-broadcasts the transaction, then eventually nearly all the nodes on the network will forget about the transaction. Some wallets might choose to forget the transaction after a set amount of time, and to show those bitcoins in your balance. Other wallets might just keep broadcasting the transaction forever. Even if the sending wallet doesn't rebroadcast the transaction, the receiving wallet can, and so can any other user on the network if they want to. Each wallet behaves differently. What about double spending? Can solve this problem? Sending a higher fee with the same amount from transaction?
No. The OP specifically said that he doesn't have control over this transaction. It is not possible for him to double spend or send a higher fee.
Copper Member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1584
No I dont escrow anymore.
November 22, 2016, 06:14:48 AM |
Just to keep everyone here updated, the transaction is confirmed now. I often rebroadcast transactions for others with my node using the ruby script above. If anyone else has need, just send me a PM and Ill add yours to the loop as soon as I can.
Im not really here, its just your imagination.
Copper Member
Activity: 2142
Merit: 1308
Limited in number. Limitless in potential.
November 23, 2016, 01:47:13 AM |
Just to keep everyone here updated, the transaction is confirmed now. I often rebroadcast transactions for others with my node using the ruby script above. If anyone else has need, just send me a PM and Ill add yours to the loop as soon as I can.
Whoah  I don't expect that transactions can be rebrodcast for some script ( did you own/made that script shorena? ) Well that is very helpful maybe there are so many people here also experiencing what OP feels, and I guess shorena will be the one who can help them.
November 25, 2016, 10:22:15 PM |
Using very small fees below recommended is very risky. Once it could happen that your transaction never got confirmation. These days there are to many unconfirmed transactions anyway so next time try to avoid very low fees because at the end you will not profit but possibly loose.
December 01, 2016, 04:28:28 AM |
Using very small fees below recommended is very risky. Once it could happen that your transaction never got confirmation. These days there are to many unconfirmed transactions anyway so next time try to avoid very low fees because at the end you will not profit but possibly loose.
I think Op can't setting about sending fee because op say withdraw from perfectmoney wallet to Op if fee sending vey low only wait to confirmation, and very long time i think case is problem solved, because i see tx id is ready confirmation
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December 02, 2016, 01:16:17 PM |
Just to keep everyone here updated, the transaction is confirmed now. I often rebroadcast transactions for others with my node using the ruby script above. If anyone else has need, just send me a PM and Ill add yours to the loop as soon as I can.
Thanks shorena! I sure am glad I checked out this thread.  Gonna keep what you said in mind in case I encounter the same issue in future. Thank you in advance and it's great to see people who're willing to help out. 