November 25, 2016, 04:43:18 PM |
I've seen it but I forget where I saw it, but Machinecoin no stranger in my ear, if possible I would look for other information about you, tell me about your altcoins
Activity: 1106
Merit: 1004
No risk, no fun!
November 25, 2016, 05:12:14 PM |
what does that mean?
Do you need more help? Are you interesting in collaborations?
Greetz Steve
SkycityVictorians (OP)
November 25, 2016, 05:16:59 PM |
I've seen it but I forget where I saw it, but Machinecoin no stranger in my ear, if possible I would look for other information about you, tell me about your altcoins
Not clear what you mean with altcoins (plural). Machinecoin is the only coin. Machinecoin exists since nearly 3 years and this thread simply continues the old thread which was not updated anymore.
SkycityVictorians (OP)
November 25, 2016, 05:26:30 PM Last edit: November 25, 2016, 05:37:55 PM by SkycityVictorians |
Would be cool if you could use archive . is or any other online screenshot generator to archive the ANN-Thread and then post your link here the result is the same but its easier to go through all posts in the future. In case you have a problem with a wallet then feel free to post your issue at https://github.com/machinecoin-project/machinecoin-core/issuesIf you quickly want to test Machinecoin just download the Virtualbox Appliance and import it into Virtualbox then you do not need to install anything.
SkycityVictorians (OP)
November 25, 2016, 05:48:09 PM |
Links that were broken ( . tk) are now in clear text and since this was also the case with exactly the same links and 2 url shortener. Links with . exe were broken here too and 1 MEGA-Link seems not to be parsed by the forum so they were replaced with the main website https://machinecoin.org so you need 1 more click to download them.
Limx Dev
Copper Member
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1348
November 25, 2016, 06:08:51 PM |
Very nice thread here. I think the time is over to buy cheap MACs.
Best Regards Christian
Bitcore BTX - a UTXO fork of Bitcoin - since 2017
November 25, 2016, 06:17:09 PM |
Wil i be onlline when i turn my computer?
November 25, 2016, 07:11:43 PM |
Nice fantasy art !! And I love steampunk !! <3 <3 What is time travel algo ?? Please explain this to me thank you.
And some bounties please my kind sir.
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1035
November 29, 2016, 03:33:09 PM |
how to mine it ? generate 1 ?
November 29, 2016, 06:47:10 PM |
how to mine it ? generate 1 ?
Which OS are you using?
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1035
November 30, 2016, 01:26:43 AM |
how to mine it ? generate 1 ?
Which OS are you using? win7 x64
November 30, 2016, 10:00:56 AM |
how to mine it ? generate 1 ?
Which OS are you using? win7 x64 For mining on Win10 x64, I modified my "machinecoin.conf" to look like http://pastebin.com/AZz97dyD (and ofcourse all addnodes) and then created a file called "mine.bat" with the content http://pastebin.com/AkpUvjvX (this file needs to be inside the "daemon" directory, where the "machinecoin-cli.exe" is located. The output of the "mine.bat" script should be similar to this http://prntscr.com/ddjy7e. Friendly Regards - Nico
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1035
November 30, 2016, 10:29:55 AM |
how to mine it ? generate 1 ?
Which OS are you using? win7 x64 For mining on Win10 x64, I modified my "machinecoin.conf" to look like http://pastebin.com/AZz97dyD (and ofcourse all addnodes) and then created a file called "mine.bat" with the content http://pastebin.com/AkpUvjvX (this file needs to be inside the "daemon" directory, where the "machinecoin-cli.exe" is located. The output of the "mine.bat" script should be similar to this http://prntscr.com/ddjy7e. Friendly Regards - Nico thanks very much
November 30, 2016, 10:41:18 AM |
Any bounty dev iam reseve to indonesian translation
▄▄████████▄▄ ▄▄████████████████▄▄ ▄██████████████████████▄ ▄█████████████████████████▄ ▄███████████████████████████▄
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Activity: 2898
Merit: 1035
November 30, 2016, 11:17:05 AM |
which hardware should i have to find 1 block per hour for example ?
Limx Dev
Copper Member
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1348
November 30, 2016, 11:26:25 AM |
which hardware should i have to find 1 block per hour for example ?
I use a Z620 workstation with two Xeon CPUs (2x 8 Core 2,2 GHZ). I get more as one block per hour.
Bitcore BTX - a UTXO fork of Bitcoin - since 2017
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1035
November 30, 2016, 11:31:58 AM |
which hardware should i have to find 1 block per hour for example ?
I use a Z620 workstation with two Xeon CPUs (2x 8 Core 2,2 GHZ). I get more as one block per hour. how to know hashing speed ?