Just watching speech by Stefan Molyneux in which he said "information impowers people, but information dont stop bullets, but when you dont have money to fund bullets, the bullets stop". He is talking in the context that everyone is using bitcoin which is finite so governments cant create more to fund war.
Sounds great, but i thought well what if your enemy still has plenty of bitcoin to buy bullets........ that means your pretty much fooked.....
"Not an argument" man believing that war will stop?
Sure, it won't be governments, but wars will still propagate. We just see less economic destruction coming out of it.
The difference is, as a government,
war -> materials & weapons -> inflate money supply -> pay for materials -> m&w -> inflate, etc.
for a decentralized society, it just becomes
faction 1 doesn't like faction 2 -> 1 builds Bitcoin and resources -> goes to war -> fight -> resources exhausted -> make peace or win
Governments just inflate the money supply, their absence doesn't stop wars.