Bitcoin is a relatively new form of currency that is just beginning to hit the mainstream, but many people still don’t understand why they should make an effort to use it.
Bitcoin was one of the biggest leaps in technology since the inception of the Internet, hailing the new era of digital money, disrupting industries and financial institutions as well as introducing a new social paradigm where transparency and trust are the default value.
Ultimately, mass adoption of Bitcoin will not only mean financial and technological revolution. Bitcoin is not simply a currency or protocol. Bitcoin is the ultimate showcase of trust in mathematics and perfectly embodies the changing times we live in. Disrupting the money space is also disrupting our cultural, social and political systems.
Finance and politics have been closely linked throughout history and recognizing Bitcoin as an official currency will have a big impact on world’s governments, political parties and administrative institutions who will have to adjust legislations to match the new paradigm. Undoubtedly, this will lead to more transparency within governments and prevent corruptive practices.
Reducing the human factor in money supply and institutional involvement in money distribution to the minimum is an important step forward for our society, and hopefully, we will witness a widespread economic reformation in an attempt to solve the inherent problems with paper money. In this respect, Bitcoin was the missing piece in the puzzle.
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