Thanks @longbob72
@Abdussamad, What are you trying to advise me from that link? Basically what I gather from that link is about backup and restoring at the wrong place.
I just wanted to point out that you can create shortcuts to open specific wallet files using electrum. That'll make it easier to run two different wallets at the same time. And because you will always be opening the wallets using the shortcuts you create you can never mistakenly use the wrong wallet (as the OP in that thread did).
From what @longbob72 had mentioned, I could just safely restore from seed, hence can ignore the backing up of wallet file and hence no headache from restoring at the wrong place. Am I right here?
Restoring your wallet from a seed backup does not restore labels for transactions and addresses. You can enable the labels plugin to store those labels encrypted on a remote server. But I think it is better to keep a copy of the wallet file too.