Yobit has several options to protect against withdrawals in case your account has been compromised.
In letter settings, it has an option called : "Send confirmation letter at withdrawal request".
This one can be deactivated without the user agreement.
When you try to disable this option, Yobit send a mail to ask you for deactivation. If you click on the link contained on the email, it deactivate the option.
Most of mail agent have something called "Link Preview" activated by default. They load the page to get the user a preview of the page.
Yobit do not check if the user is authentificated when disabling the option.
This result in the fact that when opening the mail, even if you do not click the link, the letter at withdrawal request will be deactivated.
Proof of Concept, using a famous mail agent, Outlook :
This also work for apikey creation. You can create withdrawal apikey the same way, by the user just viewing the mail.
Timeline of disclosure :
02/11/2016 : Reported the vulnerability to Yobit support. No answer. Not fixed.
27/12/2016 : Public disclosure.