Hey everyone,
I thinking about mobile transactions using bitcoin. It seems like a good idea since it's semi-secure. I mean you carry your phone with you just like you do with your regular wallet and you can use it to make transactions. However, I'd like to see what you think of it, since I'm not aware of all the complications that can occur.
Wallet on your phoneFirst of all, you should have a wallet on your phone. That way the only way someone can get their hands on it, is if they get access to your phone. At the moment this seems like a good idea, but of course phones get met hackable nowadays, so it might need to be encrypted with a master password.
However, this is not safe for keyloggers, so as usual you should only have some sort of small-change wallet on your phone.
PayingI was thinking we could use QR-codes as payment. So basically you scan the code, you get the transaction details and you use your phone to send the coins. For example the following QR code contains the following data:
Then you scan the code, confirm the transaction and the recipient gets the money.
So, please burn down this idea, and say everything that's wrong with it. I'd like to see ways this can get improved.