We are looking to get the word out about our services,
BitcoinGet and
CoinRebates, on forums outside of BitcoinTalk, and are willing to pay for relevant and informative posts.
We offer two options:
1. 500 bits for posting about BitcoinGet or CoinRebates using a non-referral link.
2. 100 bits for posting about BitcoinGet or CoinRebates using your referral link.
1. You can post to any forum EXCEPT BitcoinTalk.
2. You must be an existing member of the forum with a minimum of 10 posts made before time of this post.
3. Posts must be written in your own words and relevant to the forum or topic at our sole discretion. Spam will not be tolerated.
4. We will pay for your first post only.
5. We will reward extra bits for posts that are especially helpful, relevant, and informative.
Once you have completed your post, send us a PM with:
1. URL to your post
2. Your bitcoin address