This is just seeing if none of this affected you, because everybody comes in crying OMG SCAM and turns out they handed over their password by falling for simple security pitfalls and the exchange had nothing to do with it. I'm not saying you are "stupid" or anything, just getting you to answer questions to see if there's a problem with the exchange. Sorry for rambling message.
They changed the login from username to email after users claimed they were hacked. So this question is irrelevant.
No it's not. Not if your username in chat is 'Reeferbob99' and your email is ''.
Lot's of people pick the exact same username as their sign in email that's why I asked.
Brute force
Example: 'Reeferbob99' i try obvious guess combinations on btc-e until locked out and wait again or I attack that login name on a site with no lockout as long as I want automated. I had to ask, How can I know if you chose a difficult password that can't be guessed. This is elimination process to see if you were actually scammed. The first thing I'm doing as a trollbox hacker when somebody posts a unique name is
looking through bitcointalk for it and reading their posts to break into less secure sites they use, and test if they reuse the same password. Almost no people vary their passwords across sites.
Wouldn't it be easier if they steal credit cards? More importantly, How can they only target btc-e and not other important accounts like mt.gox etc. ? If they can access my Password manager wouldn't they have complete access to my wallet.dat? Why bother with btc-e when you can simply steal the wallet.dat?=
Credit cards are worth $2 they're a dime a dozen on fraud forums, bitcoin = instant cash. The reason they go after BTC-e is because of the chatbox. It hands out information, and you can con people to click links. Since they are all logged into a bitcoin exchange, pretty good chance they'll have coins to steal. They can steal wand.dat (opera) where the logins are kept in the browser.
Then go to town on the encryption but would be unable to break wallet.dat encryption.
Also, are you logging in with a cellphone/tablet? If so and you use Opera, it
does a MITM attack on your https encrypted traffic for 'optimization'. Maybe employee of Opera saw some bitcoin login passwords fly past the logs. It just takes one employee with access to information he/she shouldn't have and motivation to steal untraceable, pseudoanon bitcoins. I know the mobile browser (chrome) that came built into Gingerbread was never updated again. Lot's of phones are running old telco builds that do not do security updates.
Besides, when the site is insecure enough that doesn't need confirmation to change the email (and only puts it after tens of accounts were hacked) Why would the hacker care? They can just change the email and then confirm the email withdraw request.
It's always emailed a change when I've done it, unless mail servers were down. Then I couldn't withdraw anything. It could be possible for somebody to get in your account, and enable the api themselves, then withdraw without email confirmation.
Click trollbox links? Yes i did. and links seem safe to me.
Except you can host .TIFF files on imgur. There's .TIFF browser exploits for safari galore. I don't know about Opera or FF.
A trollbox hacker uploaded a Jar/gif hybrid that when viewed automatically ran as a .jar file and infected whoever viewed it if running certain versions of Windows. The image passes all validity checks because of top headers are a pic, then below is all java code waiting to be executed when displayed in the browser. There was a guy St0rmbringer dropping exploit links one after another once when I was watching the trollbox. (Links now all disabled finally.. but you can still drop links without http:// and get people to cut+paste them)
A trollbox hacker hellbent on coins would also go attack some low hanging fruit, like a bitcoin charts site that wasn't secure and set it up to host exploits then spam the link in chat. If
cryptome could get owned by Black Hole Exploit Kit, any site can.
Ignore all links in the trollbox, or open them using lynx browser. Remember these aren't run of the mill script kiddies they're seasoned script kiddies and the bounty is untraceable bitcoins.
I hardly believe so, If my machine was a zombie, Not only it wouldn't have access to internet because the only programs in my computer that are allowed to access internet are: opera.exe firefox.exe steam.exe dota.exe
The rest need my confirmation first. And i don't confirm if i don't know wtf i'm doing
Granted, however botnets they peddle on use jpeg as a covert channel for command and control. You open browser and it would report to the commanding bot server via a covert outbound HTTP Port 80 connection and receive commands within a mailicious JPG EXIF data image. They also peddle linkedin status command and control using linkedin API to break through corporate firewall.
I personally admire the hackers for pulling a nice job that noone except those who were hacked distrust btc-e. Oh their support. didn't even give me a 1 word misspelled answer to my emails. Oh well..
OK good luck for you. I'd like to see your face if you ever get hacked, Although i think btc-e fixed their bugs by now
That sucks you got 1 word answer after losing all your coins, but there was such a total shitfest of dropped exploit links in the trollbox for like a month that everybody was being robbed. It was open season to see who on antichat and could come up with the most stolen coins dumping links.
tl;dr 60% chance something is wrong with btc-e and you got scammed. 40% chance you got owned by the trollbox simply by posting in it revealing user login name you use elsewhere, or clicking links.