January 01, 2017, 09:50:35 PM |
Very serious post here.
In a nutshell. If you have a Bitch. And you are not breeding her. Get her spayed.
My lovely Staffi was never Spayed. I have always had dogs. This was my first bitch. She is only 6 years old. At the moment, 2 weeks after Hysterectamy she is still unable to walk. Im lucky she is alive although her quality of life is so poor i may need to put her down if she doesnt improve this week.
Why? Pyometra
Pyometra literally means 'pus in the womb'
Her belly swelled up, she was off her food and leaking pus from her back end.
3 days was all it took and before i knew it i had a dog with dehydration and failing kidneys.
If you have a bitch, and shes not been spayed, get her done.
This infection is more common than you think.
Thanks for reading and please help raise awareness by telling your friends who have dogs or thinking about getting a dog.
I have had 5 visits to the vets in total and she has stayed a total of 6 nights.
She has had variety of pain killers and drips inserted.
She is on bupramophine, tramadol, antibiotics and calprofen.
Animal lovers please be aware of this. Google this.