Those people were not known advisers.
They were nobody.
A collection of the dev & friends paid large amounts with made up corporate titles.
Back when it launched we all looked at the web page and the list with pictures.
This was YEARS before you guys showed up ...trying to rewrite scammy history.
And no liars diluting the market does not mean the coins are worth more.
Try learning simple math before posting retarded lies.
Again, I get your point, no need for aggressive reflexes. I did not put "advisers" in quotation marks for no reason.
But you can not deny those people they got the faces of are
known, fe. a former German minister and well connected.
Also you can not deny those were great moves for their marketing as the market cap clearly states.
Don't shoot the messenger, your theory of predicting crypto has failed. Accept or loose grip of something which clearly means so much to you since you always point out you know it so well.
Your anger indicates your predictions are usually wrong.
How would you know "Newbie" ?
Let me guess you have been here reading this since 2013 and didn't register ?

..yeah i heard that one here before from one of the many puppet / shill accounts.
One of many considering
there is almost 1 MILLION accounts here.
My "anger" ?
What is this 2013 still ?
Can you tell by my angry font ?
And check my post history for an explanation on my so called "anger".
You will also see i am proven correct.. always.
Since i have been here all along with Ripple i have watched a crap load of bullshit with it.
It's scammy ass ICO style'd rigged load of bullshit that no one ever did like.
They pumped it up and lured in noobs and the scene just gets scammier as time goes buy so you all lap it up.... fer teh ROI'z.
If Bernie Madoff had a coin (and he might) you same shady sketchy little Investards would blow him dry for a piece of the action in a heart beat.. making little excuses for it all every step of the way.
Call me angry but i call you sleazy losers for supporting a shitcoin that pisses on the ideology.
You have no integrity or class.
I have never owned a bloody Ripple coin and never will.
Can you say the same scamtard's ?
Take your "Foundation" and your paid figure heads and roll them up and stuff them where the sun don't shine..
And by the way i was NOT impressed when i heard Gavin was getting 1 million a year salary from the BTC foundation either.
Ya know guys it didn't take long for crypto to turn into scammy greedy tard town.
I seen shit hit the fan back when BTC hit $50 for the first time..