First of all i am new to post here but i do look on here often and i would like to start my first post by introducing myself. My name is Jason and i am a small time miner and when i say small, i am small. I have been altcoin mining for about a year now. I run about 4 laptops (all i7s and about 3 Intel Atom tablets at 1.83ghz, of which i installed linux ubuntu on them, even on the tablets) I can get these tablets to hash pretty good for altcoins, but this is only if i mine smart. I do run them all with free electricity so that is not a problem for me. I normally hate to share strategies but since i am not really doing this for profit and mostly just for fun i don't mind sharing

I also would like to add that YES i am addicted to mining, but aren't we all?? Lol
I am not going to give away the coins i mine but lets say you mine a coin with a low market cap or a low value. Most people stray away from these coins but i love to mine them simply because say you mine a coin that is worth 0.00000020 and you mine about 3000 of them a day. This would make you about 21,000 altcoins in 7 days. This would give you a profit of about 0.00420000. Now lets say that the price would spike up just a little bit, say to about 0.00000022 in a couple hours. This would give you a profit of 0.004620000. The more small time coins you mine the more BTC profit you will gain say if you mine them for about 6 months to a year. The only thing you have to watch out for is if the coin is on the verge of completely bombing out so you would have to watch the market on it closely. I basically am just mining as much as i possibly can, not to mention staying loyal to your pool helps out a lot too. I will then wait for the price to spike up and i will then double, triple, even quadruple my BTC profits.
Small time coins are worth mining cause you could get a huge spike on them one day if you watch the market closley. This is how i got hooked on altcoins because i love the trading aspect of them and i actually do like the fast fluctuations in them as well. I also forgot to mention i like the PPLNS system as well because everyday i see steady increases in my probability.
Hope i did help a little and it's really nice to meet all of ya'll. Happy mining