On top of quoting, I'll add links to the profiles:
see below
NOTE: I've added account creation / last usage with links to the alt known as quickseller around the seven dates /
UID's listed in red from this -->
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1702409.msg17825633#msg17825633 recent post, as well as slotting in the 43 UID's conveniently with zero activity that LoyceV has kindly added links to their profiles (I've in turn archived those pages to preserve the details of their last usages) - the earliest creation date is after
chronicsky u=353680 but just before
quickseller u=358020I'd say
chronicsky is the one who has sacrificed these 43 accounts as further payback against quickseller.
26 March 2014, 01:58:27 Last Active: lilgenofrfng u=208519
http://archive.is/MuoS327 March 2014, 13:19:09 Date Registered: bitbaby u=303071
01 April 2014, 18:43:11 Last actual post WhiteyZ
http://archive.is/OyteG#selection-337.5-337.3307 April 2014, 04:05:02 Last Active: FAILNERD u=297496
http://archive.is/uVECo16 April 2014, 07:33:30 Date Registered: PeanutCoins u=315754
http://archive.is/rXqUc17 April 2014, 07:03:55 Date Registered: Donationcoin u=316228
http://archive.is/ShIqa20 April 2014,
03:03:19 Date Registered: shitcoin.info u=317532
http://archive.is/DzFMi20 April 2014,
03:04:25 Date Registered: shitcoins.info u=317533
http://archive.is/gMgGy26 April 2014, 02:24:38 Date Registered:
Muhammed Zakir u=32094327 April 2014, 23:31:44 Date Registered: michaelwang33 u=322199
http://archive.is/DkPt702 May 2014, 17:42:42 Last Active: glm u=304232
http://archive.is/DhB3P03 May 2014, 00:08:39 Date Registered: hiroo u=324656
http://archive.is/MdGWc08 May 2014, 18:29:59 Date Registered: ninjashibe u=327495
http://archive.is/b9KpU15 May 2014, 08:30:56 Last Active: ninjashibe u=327495
http://archive.is/b9KpU16 May 2014, 19:37:24 Date Registered: gsiberger u=331695
http://archive.is/ZvktX19 May 2014, 04:00:12 Date Registered: CryptoCanary u=332653
http://archive.is/CGlCi21 May 2014, 04:18:13 Date Registered:
numanoid u=33352429 May 2014, 20:12:14 Date Registered: russiacoin u=336982
http://archive.is/tAVTe11 June 2014, 02:50:25 Date Registered: mexxer-2 u=341982
12 June 2014, 04:28:05 Date Registered: acckill u=342425
http://archive.is/J8GWc12 June 2014, 10:51:00 Undetered by the PawnCoin disaster, pawnco.in starts a new thread
[PRE-ANN] ePawncoin | 100% POS | New Source coded | White paper| Pre-sale https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=649025.0 https://archive.is/yP6k3 offering to swap PawnCoin's 2:1 for ePawnCoin's.
https://raxe.io" is part of the OP
https://archive.is/yP6k3#selection-665.0-667.15 from the 29 Jun 2014 02:46:23 UTC we have the following snapshot of raxe.io
https://archive.is/QME7W16 June 2014,
01:03:39 Date Registered:
iflewtoday32 u=34376716 June 2014,
03:27:23 Date Registered: BiPolarBob u=343899
http://archive.is/Z6led21 June 2014, 19:13:39 Last Active: ra1nb0wdash u=249569
http://archive.is/hOVHf23 June 2014, 13:09:55 the last post (that survives) -
[ANN][PAWN] Pawncoin |* New Wallet Update *|ePawncoin IPO in new thread posted by
Raxe.io http://archive.is/WwXPn#selection-1365.0-1385.8227 June 2014,
03:17:39 Date Registered: superhero u=348559
http://archive.is/ULldH27 June 2014,
03:31:02 Date Registered: manwithat u=348565
http://archive.is/rw3rb29 Jun 2014 02:46:23 UTC snapshot of raxe.io
https://archive.is/QME7W 02 July 2014, 22:49:48 Date Registered: allah u=351062
http://archive.is/66GDa04 July 2014, 20:30:58 Date Registered: Sterlingcoin u=351953
http://archive.is/JDHgg09 July 2014, 08:01:14 Date Registered:
KloseT09 July 2014, 19:57:28 Date Registered:
chronicsky u=353680 353761,
WealthyBit12 July 2014, 04:29:04 Last Active: russiacoin u=336982
Dracaris13 July 2014, 02:13:46 Date Registered: KK99 u=354824
http://archive.is/RZCz113 July 2014, 15:46:25 Date Registered: orryde u=354974
Cornelou16 July 2014, 04:34:45 Date Registered: superSTAR777 u=355868
Cenhelm18 July 2014, 12:52:24 Date Registered: Window2Wall -2: -1 / +0 u=356718
Gerulf19 July 2014,
08:35:22 Last Active: allah u=351062
http://archive.is/66GDa19 July 2014,
08:42:05 Date Registered: z3r0coin u=357026
http://archive.is/GpA5U20 July 2014, 05:29:56 Date Registered: ACCTseller u=357263
20 July 2014, 06:40:20 Date Registered: deluxeCITY u=357282
21 July 2014, 01:31:08 Date Registered: Panthers52 u=357487
22 July 2014, 15:51:40 Date Registered: Quickseller u=358020
25 July 2014, 20:45:44 Date Registered: Hero1 u=359157
http://archive.is/IEQug28 July 2014, 02:04:54 Date Registered: josef2000 u=359905
http://archive.is/hJXTB <-- Could just be a coincidence, but let's throw it in anyways...
29 July 2014, 23:51:19 Date Registered: stonehedge u=360508
http://archive.is/qihYF31 July 2014,
08:38:11 Last Active: z3r0coin u=357026
http://archive.is/GpA5U31 July 2014,
09:03:40 Date Registered: stillontop u=361029
01 August 2014, 18:39:15 Date Registered: twister u=361475
02 August 2014,
03:32:43 Last Active: hiroo u=324656
http://archive.is/MdGWc02 August 2014,
03:34:51 Last Active: shitcoins.info u=317533
http://archive.is/gMgGy02 August 2014,
03:36:26 Date Registered: bitsta_2 u=361647
http://archive.is/prnXF05 August 2014, 21:15:52 Date Registered: hackis u=363080
http://archive.is/V8UMp22 August 2014, 11:14:31 Date Registered: sk1ll u=369309
http://archive.is/3rxRg06 September 2014, 23:43:17 Date Registered:
justinetime u=374856 ?? 18 September 2014, 02:28:06 Date Registered: coindetective u=378830
18 September 2014, 14:25:57 Last Active: gsiberger u=331695
http://archive.is/ZvktX19 September 2014, 02:19:31 Date Registered: pagalwana u=379178
http://archive.is/D1wQB?? 23 September 2014, 21:24:52 Date Registered: Bitcoin-Police u=380696
http://archive.is/J9uYf29 September 2014, 21:31:49 Date Registered:
MarkMJ u=382490 26 December 2014, 23:14:24 Last Active: WhiteyZ
http://archive.is/Ql4eY28 December 2014, 22:37:16 Date Registered: superstar7777 u=406740
http://archive.is/ujcQb29 December 2014, 02:41:05 Last Active: superstar7777 u=406740
http://archive.is/ujcQb30 December 2014, 16:34:16 Date Registered: adroitful_one u=407213
http://archive.is/1xS1Q08 January 2015, 03:24:52 Date Registered: DimensionZ u=409537
http://archive.is/1Fap011 January 2015, 20:39:15 Date Registered: 15Lemon714 u=410551
http://archive.is/1G7bt24 January 2015, 02:07:39 Date Registered: Naxxar u=415023
http://archive.is/kdqrE29 January 2015, 10:27:55 QuickSeller praises TomatoCage for being the Escrow that extraKrispy chooses
http://archive.is/NsmJz#selection-3345.0-3353.6630 January 2015, 07:39:49 Date Registered: AcctSllr u=425098
http://archive.is/f9uJp05 February 2015, 04:15:51 extraKrispy last post
http://archive.is/BiGBN#selection-337.2-377.6305 February 2015, 04:59:15 Tomatocage caught out self escrowing.
http://archive.is/a8LHH#selection-2683.0-2646.709 February 2015, 11:33:39 Thread stared:
RAXE.IO SCAMMERS https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=950068.011 February 2015, 01:15:56 AM Quickseller offers to give
BlueCoiner information on Alts of Raxe.io
http://archive.is/K76Up#selection-1889.0-1909.93 (but doesn't)
13 February 2015 Quickseller gives TomatoCage glowing trust after offering to provide BlueCoiner information on Alts of Raxe.io (which s/he never does)
20 February 2015, 22:29:37 Date Registered:
Vaskiy u=45204922 February 2015, 01:42:45 PM Raxe.io very last post (to date) concerning the scam
Re: RAXE.IO SCAMMERS http://archive.is/K76Up#selection-2635.0-2659.604 March 2015, 12:46:54 Date Registered: TheUnknownOne u=466420
09 March 2015, 06:01:44 Last actual post elephantas1 u=160373
http://archive.is/yDxob#selection-537.5-537.3211 March 2015, 05:39:47 Last actual post AcctSllr u=425098
http://archive.is/g00wV#selection-333.5-333.3218 March 2015, 05:21:23 Date Registered: MAsterV1.1 u=482717
20 March 2015, 12:24:26 Date Registered: shoaibBTC u=485625
http://archive.is/d5A0a21 March 2015, 02:31:52 Last actual post superSTAR777 u=355868
http://archive.is/dc3CV#selection-537.5-537.3321 March 2015, 12:59:39 Date Registered: temp_superstar777 u=486882
http://archive.is/NGzbn28 December 2015, 20:36:55 Date Registered: jonesz u=707917
28 December 2015, 23:22:34 Last Active: jonesz u=707917
29 December 2015, 16:09:03 Date Registered: REAL-master-p u=709220
05 January 2016, 16:21:28 , 11 January 2016, 17:28:46 allysa posts once
09 January 2016, 03:32:42 Last Active:
iflewtoday32 12 January 2016, 19:27:14 Last Active: REAL-master-p u=709220
14 January 2016, 10:55:17 Date Registered: REAL-master-p2
14 January 2016, 14:12:28 Last Active: REAL-master-p2
16 January 2016, 13:35:23 Last actual Active: allysa u=692306
http://archive.is/GYU36#selection-345.4-345.3517 January 2016, 22:58:03 Last actual active Most u=670858
http://archive.is/LntkV#selection-373.5-373.3518 January 2016, 01:53:13 Last Active: allysa u=692306
http://archive.is/pfFSj19 January 2016, 17:18:23 Last Active: master-P u=89329
21 Jan
https://blockchain.info/tx/7a10ff8cc02c3044c4fa165dbaaaa4cb2415d9312753b8c9f5739d64e4d7c24c23 January 2016, 19:49:45 Last Active: Most u=670858
http://archive.is/hgLOr24 January 2016, 10:54:44 Date Registered: BernieCoin u=738537
http://archive.is/r2VR602 February 2016, 05:50:36 CoinMonster's last post
http://archive.is/LTxZs#selection-333.1-362.105 February 2016, 08:25:04 Last actual post golikcoin
http://archive.is/3SINY#selection-545.5-545.3606 February 2016, 19:24:43 Last Active: skull88 u=667
http://archive.is/Si95e13 February 2016, 21:39:52 scammer deluxeCITY
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1362951.0 thread begins
http://archive.is/ZRu1L20 Feb
https://blockchain.info/tx/562321f26db604aba0c32fffccecda7e98cbc7592b6f3eca189dd01c6ab5a09226 February 2016, 04:41:12 Last Active: shoaibBTC u=485625
http://archive.is/d5A0aAs you can see separate posts with seemingly random dates start to gell together when the various posts are added together. One of these days I'll add all the quickseller/master-P/tomatocage/wendigo/etc etc connections into one long post.