January 02, 2017, 04:57:13 PM Last edit: January 09, 2017, 06:10:55 PM by COINMAN1 |
Always see last page to see my BTC available stock
BTC price is up so i lowered my prices
MY RATES ARE IF you pay in perfectmoney then my rates are preev + 12% IF you pay in Paypal then my rates are preev + 25% If you pay in skrill then my rates are preev + 16% if you pay in nettler then my rates are preev + 19%
ESCROW is ok for me any trusted of this forum but you gonna pay escrow charges Completed trades With
0.01451904 BTC sold to Mixan 0.0042 BTC sold to convertekk His .005BTC for my skrill DavidXXXX 0.0042 BTC sold to DavidXXXX 0.0200 BTC sold to AnonymCZE 0.0416 BTC sold to Mixan 0.03719199 BTC sold to AnonymCZE 0.01328868 BTC sold to rottenfruits 0.0133817 BTC sold to Moritz30 0.00900784 BTC sold to Moritz30

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 06:08:40 PM |
22% is a lot. I'll take it if it is 15%. Have about 60Euro on my skrill.
January 02, 2017, 06:12:00 PM |
22% is a lot. I'll take it if it is 15%. Have about 60Euro on my skrill.
sorry not possible less then 20% because we are dealing highly reversible payment method choice is yours if you can pay as perfectmoney then we can do as 15%

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 02, 2017, 06:13:20 PM |
I can always buy on LBC for preev+15%. Just thought would buy it from here this time for some trade experience. NVM. Some other time then.
January 02, 2017, 06:17:55 PM |
i have .064 BTC i want to sell it for skrill or nettler MY RATES ARE If you pay in skrill then my rates are preev + 22% if you pay in nettler then my rates are preev + 25% Discount is available only for trusted members ESCROW is ok for me any trusted of this forum but you gonna pay escrow charges
Nice comedy ... even had to buy the "Nettler" account, eh?  Pure gold... Good Luck, "Sir"
Fuck the signature - if you are so desperate for money why dont you go and get a fucking job first - once you did that, perhaps you will think twice what kind of shit you want to be affiliated with.
January 02, 2017, 06:20:36 PM |
i have .064 BTC i want to sell it for skrill or nettler MY RATES ARE If you pay in skrill then my rates are preev + 22% if you pay in nettler then my rates are preev + 25% Discount is available only for trusted members ESCROW is ok for me any trusted of this forum but you gonna pay escrow charges
Nice comedy ... even had to buy the "Nettler" account, eh?  Pure gold... Good Luck, "Sir" yes i buy those nettler and skrill accounts from him you have any problem with that???is it illegal to sell bitcoins here 
January 02, 2017, 06:34:59 PM |
i have .064 BTC i want to sell it for skrill or nettler MY RATES ARE If you pay in skrill then my rates are preev + 22% if you pay in nettler then my rates are preev + 25% Discount is available only for trusted members ESCROW is ok for me any trusted of this forum but you gonna pay escrow charges
Nice comedy ... even had to buy the "Nettler" account, eh?  Pure gold... Good Luck, "Sir" yes i buy those nettler and skrill accounts from him you have any problem with that???is it illegal to sell bitcoins here  No, No, "Sir", no problem AT ALL. NETTLER is great, no problem buying NETLLER accounts from other NETTLER fans. Anyway, since you didnt only buy a NETTLER account from Sir Wildkens, he might be of great help to your deals:  I mean hes really trusted, no?  Anyway, i would recommend him to you specifically cause he seems to be very picky about whether to fullfill his part usually, but hes fine with you.    Good luck SIR
Fuck the signature - if you are so desperate for money why dont you go and get a fucking job first - once you did that, perhaps you will think twice what kind of shit you want to be affiliated with.
January 02, 2017, 06:38:41 PM |
i have .064 BTC i want to sell it for skrill or nettler MY RATES ARE If you pay in skrill then my rates are preev + 22% if you pay in nettler then my rates are preev + 25% Discount is available only for trusted members ESCROW is ok for me any trusted of this forum but you gonna pay escrow charges
Nice comedy ... even had to buy the "Nettler" account, eh?  Pure gold... Good Luck, "Sir" yes i buy those nettler and skrill accounts from him you have any problem with that???is it illegal to sell bitcoins here  No, No, "Sir", no problem AT ALL. NETTLER is great, no problem buying NETLLER accounts from other NETTLER fans. Anyway, since you didnt only buy a NETTLER account from Sir Wildkens, he might be of great help to your deals:  I mean hes really trusted, no?  Anyway, i would recommend him to you specifically cause he seems to be very picky about whether to fullfill his part usually, but hes fine with you.    Good luck SIR he was trusted member when i deal with him but then he decided to turned into scammer
January 02, 2017, 06:49:44 PM |
he was trusted member when i deal with him but then he decided to turned into scammer
No way!? Really? How did that happen? Oh geez, you were really lucky you made deals with him before he got seduced by the dark side. Btw. I like your advice  
Fuck the signature - if you are so desperate for money why dont you go and get a fucking job first - once you did that, perhaps you will think twice what kind of shit you want to be affiliated with.
January 02, 2017, 07:58:24 PM |
he was trusted member when i deal with him but then he decided to turned into scammer
No way!? Really? How did that happen? Oh geez, you were really lucky you made deals with him before he got seduced by the dark side. Btw. I like your advice   Hahaha I like the last part, people will advise others against other people and yet they won't follow their own advise  today was a really good day for me to be online 
January 02, 2017, 08:08:18 PM |
he was trusted member when i deal with him but then he decided to turned into scammer
No way!? Really? How did that happen? Oh geez, you were really lucky you made deals with him before he got seduced by the dark side. Btw. I like your advice   Hahaha I like the last part, people will advise others against other people and yet they won't follow their own advise  today was a really good day for me to be online  Nettler is reversible therefore I m asking for 25%
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
January 04, 2017, 07:52:08 PM |
I am currently taking an offer from this member. So just briefly going over this thread I hope this guy isn't trying something with me too. I know Wildkens did alot of deals on here and he was eventually going to turn scam.
The parasite hates three things: free markets, free will, and free men.

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 05, 2017, 03:37:12 PM |
I can try a small amount of 0.005 BTC for our first transaction if your previous price still holds.
January 05, 2017, 03:44:44 PM |
I can try a small amount of 0.005 BTC for our first transaction if your previous price still holds.
If you want to use Skrill as payment method then 14% is final and my previous price was 13% and now 14% is my final But its a very small trade so I don't mind to do it at 13%

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 05, 2017, 03:49:39 PM |
ok. PM me your skrill email.
January 05, 2017, 03:55:23 PM |
ok. PM me your skrill email.
PM sent

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 05, 2017, 03:58:31 PM |
January 05, 2017, 04:41:42 PM |

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
Javascript developer, Available for work
January 05, 2017, 04:43:27 PM |
small and smooth trade. Thanks.