-You have no idea how forum works and you wish to buy a legendary account ?
(One Bump per day)
You are only allowed to bump only after 24 hours have passed after last bump. I haven't found a rule where it says you can't bump (before 24 hours have passed) after a normal post.
-Trust me,you're wasting money.Wouldn't take me more than 2 minutes to find out if the Legendary account is sold.Make sure you don't give me a chance to
I hope I'm not wasting any money.
-What's your masterscam plan this time ?
ElMoIsEviLI am not ElMoIsEviL.
I think he is buying the account for start a new scam ICO project.. this happens mostly when someone buy a legendary account.
I do not want to start any ICO project. Far too many people have been scammed by "ICO projects" and although not immediately people learn from each other's mistakes.
And by that I do not suggest that I will try to pull off any other scam.