Your post is confusing... at first you say you are looking to purchase an amazon e code, and then you want btc
which is it?
there are people who accept amazon e-codes but the rate is very bad. usualy you get 60-70% of the amazon code value
Yes I know the rates suck but @ this pt I dont care..I can't find a Local Bitcoins dealer who accepts Amazon ecodes though. They all want pics recipts etc. Its BS
Im willing to purchase an amazon ecode etc to trade for btc.
I will suggest you just move your Amazon to PayPal with that, you can easily get someone to trade for you. Also, since you're vigilant already to know about the scam accusation, I will suggest you still keep at it but the issue about PayPal here is the fact that its reversible unlike btc and this could make people not willing to go that route. You can give that a shot as well. Also dont forget to use escrow. Its fundamental to keep your funds safe.