Well, I think it was just insane to use others money to gamble and hope it will be used to pay for debts, It was really depressing if you already lost your own money but if you lose someone else money It will be too depressing that you might even think to commit suicide better spent it on something more profitable than gambling!
That is a very foolish decision to play gambling on loan or your friend’s money. I think that it can only affect your friends badly, because after losing your friend’s money you may not be able to return his money back. And therefore if he will do demand for his money, then you may not be in position to return it to him which will thereore make disturbance.
Sometimes we make that kind of decision without thinking of the consequences, of course that is too risky because there is no assurance that you
will win in gambling, the worst thing that will happen is if you loss what you borrow, that will certainly affect your life especially if your income is not big enough.