Bitcoin isn't a currency. A currency is a liquid asset that can be exchanged for physical goods and services. Unless you have a hearty coke habit, bitcoin is a security to you (the investor). The price is driven by 100% demand. The nature of bitcoin's structure causes this you can't "ease" bitcoin. A security with pure speculative value (read: a stock without a company) is doomed to be a bubble in the short term and worthless in the long term. Look at how it moved 20-30% in 12 hours on LOW VOLUME. The only thing that could establish bitcoin as an actual "currency" is if businesses started accepting it as payment in a widespread manner, with the shadowy past and clear pump/dump history, good luck with that. prefer to think this way.
Whether Bitcoin succeeds or not is not based on someone's opinions.
Bitcoin's success is based on whether the users of a such system manage to build up infrastructures, markets, softwares, hardwares for it.