110 block left to start first round.
From round 450000 we start a new function HAPPY 3. Every round we randomly select 3 tickets, which win extra bonus.
For 0.0005 BTC you can win jackpot. With every ticket increase your chance!
So I take it this isn't provavbly fair in anyway?
I looked at your site and found the script is
Int64 hashCode = 0;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hash))
byte[] byteContents = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(hash);
SHA256 hash = new SHA256CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] hashText = hash.ComputeHash(byteContents);
Int64 hashCodeStart = BitConverter.ToInt64(hashText, 0);
Int64 hashCodeMedium = BitConverter.ToInt64(hashText,
Int64 hashCodeEnd = BitConverter.ToInt64(hashText, 24);
hashCode = hashCodeStart ^ hashCodeMedium ^ hashCodeEnd;
hashCode = Math.Abs(hashCode);
return (int)(hashCode % 29) + 1;
However where does it get those hashes from ?