Are any of these addresses accesible to you anymore? (on other words, can you sign a message with them?):
19mHdWGZ5y3Ww34cQhBHZxvKescGbd68Lt First posted on: November 14, 2015, 02:31:39 PM
18dHcL3NoP9qaZLJrbvA8nrQ9WnFuM9esL First posted on: September 17, 2016, 06:50:13 PM
1yxanY1i3anpWCnAa4gVokSvA31vHcFJE First posted on: June 17, 2016, 05:04:58 AM
If some are, you could always ask Lone Shark: takes accounts as collateral and is very helpful. You can trust him with your account details (i trusted him with them too).
Also he offers optional service using your account via VPS, while having the loan.
Well, if you can sign one of the above Addresses, i can fill this for you.
I can also do it if you use LS Non-Collateral service, just let us both know about it...
You can post in any of our Threads, regards.
EDIT : As i just check, you are in SMAS Blacklist and for sure, that's not looking good...
I withdraw my interest to fill this Loan Request of yours, sorry and good luck.