I like your story.. "Load"
First time i tried growing seriously was with a clone from a dealer / grower.
Me and my old buddy used clay pellets (hydro system)
It worked well and we got 1 gigantic female fast !
Although we had an issue with a 3rd roomy sneaking in to feed the plant too much though.
Which is the major draw back..
Once you go the water / fertilizer etc bad it hots the plant fast & hard.
Too much food equals a fast death..
Had to move so we didn't flower it.. made clone and gave them away.
No legal issues just moved to another town for better work.
I brought that up because i wanted to mention "cloning" ..it's not hat hard.
All we did was cut some of the plant off making sure you got a branching part
and then dip it into a special cloning solution.. vs using seeds (which can sprout makes traditionally)
Oh and we used a standard Metal Hallide light & reflector.. from a grow store.
Many years later i had a buddy giving me seeds from higher up guys in town from good strains.
Many were from seed banks and were expensive.. and my buddy who dealt a bit of weed around town said hey i will pony up the stuff we need if you grow it in your house.
I was already using my living room to sleep in as it is during summer so i had my bedroom empty and i lived alone on a farm.. on the outskirts of town.
So buddy picked up all kinds of stuff for the job including a digital PH pen and nice fertilizers and additives like some Kelp stuff.. PH balance kit stuff.. BUT !
This time i went with dirt !
I was a little skeptical it could be as good but i was surprised to see it was a great option.
Did some quick searching on how to do it right and stuck with the procedure closely.
The dirt option is a lot more forgiving for mistakes..
I had to turn on and off the lights manually if i recall correctly (this was many years ago now)
The odd time i forgot
Didn't make any difference though.
And this time i got a full set up of Metal Hallide for vegging then went with High pressure Sodium for Flowering.
My buddy left it all up to me and we agreed to split it in the end.
So i pretty much chose when to pull the trigger on flowering after consulting with him.
We knew we could flower them fairly quick if we chose to.
We even threw in a few more plants in the room after a month or two of an exotic strain.. Indica looking that came out crystaly with lots of deep purple with a unique smell.
All thew rest were some kind of Sativa with a good mix of hairs and crystal.
No idea what strain for sure but it was typical and good !
(it was easy to tell the two apart by the size and the leafs.. short fat stubby leaves vs long ones)
I don't know how many months i vegged them but i waited until they were like up to my chin almost.
They must have been 4 or 5 feet tall when we pulled the trigger on them.
I can't recall how many but there was probably a good 24 of them and a few feet around.
So they were pretty damn busy even before flowering.
The whole thing was about doing the classical route.
We did some pruning when it looked like it should be done but tried not to get weird about it.
It was about guys doing it old school with Dirt.
It turned out fucking awesome !
Got a few pounds i think.. i had a QP (quarter pound) stashed in many spots all over my house
Me and my buddy and friends / family that came by smoked it all in time.
I would have gown more but my landlord got pissed off at me about though ROFL
It was nice to have unlimited weed to smoke.
I even trade an ounce with another grower just so we had something "different" to smoke.
Flushed them good too
I once smoked weed before that was like smoking a fucking fish ! ewww
Anyway that was probably way back close to the year 2000 roughly.
I dunno i smoked a LOT of pot ! hahhaha
I worked a job at a Kitchen and i smoked weed before during and after 24/7 so my memory may be off a little.
I have not smoked since 2005 i think.
I support legalization etc i just don't have any interest in smoking anymore.
Back around 2002 i just started to forget to smoke my weed..
I noticed i would have a bag of it sitting on my table and i'd go all night long doing stuff like working on PC's etc and not remember to smoke.
Something just clicked and i guess i had enough.. have not smoked since or craved it.
And oh boy did i junk out for weed for a couple decades.. i was a hooked a hardcore chronic.
Getting crank and bitchy because i did not have weed was typical.
I think the issue was a larger drug addiction problem that was underlying.. that resolved itself in time.
It's nice not having the super high high's and ultra low low's now though.
But if ya all wanna smoke i don't give a fuck.. go hard
PS:I did not post this to sell pot or anything (i still have precisely the same amount in the picture earlier)
I put the stuff into a sealed glass butter dish thing with locking seals (i REALLY stinks like hash big time)
I also started filtering the oil shit i mentioned earlier too and wow it looks like blood.. pure red !
When it is diluted with more ISO or dried a bit it looks golden yellow though.
It's not just fun SMOKING weed but screwing around with it all makin' oil or hash or cookies etc