Play Super Bowl Squares Now ! Many of you have probably played this at a Super Bowl party in the past, and if you haven't, it isn't that difficult to catch onto. A 10x10 grid is created with one team claiming the x-axis and the other claiming the y-axis; each column and row is given a a number, 0-9.
We have a
free version available right now, and other versions with a price of 5 mBTC or 10 mBTC per square! At the end of each quarter, the square with that holds the final digit in each teams’ current score wins, with bigger prizes typically going to the winners at halftime and the end of the game.
It is simple and fun, especially for a neutral observer. Every score at every stage of the game matters, even in a blowout, because it'll have some bearing on the winning box.
Checkout Bitcoin Super Bowl Squares here!