Thanks for this many candidates!
We selected some new accounts and added them to the list:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qJgvcGsPcf9ERub2g9sthcImWDRFB7Z03KAeTSuH7X0/edit?usp=sharingAll new members: Controll your data in the spreadsheet, if everything is correct post a confirmation in this thread!
Those which have no BTC address. Please post it to your confirmation!
Its important that you follow cloakcoin_promo on twitter, to enable me to invite you on twitter to our chat group (direct messages).
Everything you have to retweet will be posted there!
You dont need to post me any informations in twitter, retweet the tweets and create one tweet per week (if your main language is not english you are welcomed to post a tweet in your language!)
All participens from the first round (excepted kotwica) confirmed there participations. kotwica if i oversee your confirmation, please contact me via PM or DM. Thanks!
Participiens from the first round have credit -1 - this is the one retweet you all did after the end of the first round, when i promised you that i count them to the next round.
First payout will be monday 20. february 2017 - then you all will receive your reward for 2 weeks! That means everyone of you have to make 14 retweets (RT) until this day and 2 tweets (T).
If you have any questions, dont hestiate to ask here!
Best regards,