I think a wise guy once said "the love of money is the root of all evil" .... but yes it is a fascinating, yet powerful force (like splitting atoms).
That's a biblical reference, actually. It's a(n incorrect) paraphrase of something Paul said. A more accurate reference would be, "The love of money is the cause of all kinds of evil." It was not a condemnation of wealth, let that be clear.
Lol, and what is the root of money?
http://mises.org/money.aspGood find.
Money is a cool and fun thing. I can go down to the beach and I don't have to lug stuff with me to trade for a parking spot and burgers.
Bankers could, in a sense, be the root of current and future evil. And that's where they are shills and slaves to a rotten economic system that's artificially keeping rates near zero, thus stealing from savers so that said government can spend without immediate consequences.