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Author Topic: Digital Goods -> Invites & Accounts  (Read 1323 times)
theymos (OP)
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February 07, 2017, 02:41:47 AM

We're considering creating a subsection called "Invites & Accounts" under Marketplace -> Goods -> Digital Goods. This would segregate a lot of Digital Goods topics, providing for improved organization and more effective moderation.

Thoughts? Should other or different things be included in this new section?

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February 07, 2017, 02:45:56 AM


Might be a good idea to include product keys there aswell (thinking especially about MSDN keys and stuff).

This would segregate a lot of Digital Goods topics, providing for improved organization and more effective moderation.
It would also ease up searching the digital goods section for those users that are not interested in purchasing accounts from questionable sources (cough hacked).
Thinking especially about users interested in either website scripts or domains.


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February 07, 2017, 02:50:33 AM

Sound good. There is a lot of accounts selling (Bitcointalk, Netflix etc) topic in the Digital Goods section and it would be great to give them a sun-forum. Other than product keys like what Lutpin have suggested, I'd also like giftcard to be in there too (since it is kind of like "invite").

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theymos (OP)
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February 07, 2017, 02:53:11 AM

Product/gift codes seem pretty separate, ontologically-speaking. Maybe they should get yet another section, if there is a significantly high volume of such trades?

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February 07, 2017, 02:56:43 AM

Product/gift codes seem pretty separate, ontologically-speaking. Maybe they should get yet another section, if there is a significantly high volume of such trades?

Coupon Codes and Gift codes make up a pretty large portion of the Digital Goods section. Of the first two pages, I counted 10 related threads, so ~25%.
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February 07, 2017, 10:30:48 AM

I still think some other sort of restrictions should be put on this board or the entire digital goods sub. I don't think newbie accounts should be allowed to post in there straight away because scammers just massively take advantage of it. Maybe not allow them to post urls either or if you are a newbie and want to post in there you have to pay a small fee. There's a handful of full time scammers here who do nothing but try scam via autobuy links with nothing in them. When they get negative or banned/nuked they just come back and start again. Some scammers are even botting the process now so they don't need to do anything other than sit back and watch the money come trickling in (which it probably does on a daily basis). Paying a fee would stop this as they're not going to waste money trying to scam. They only do it because it is so quick and easy to create an account here and there are plenty of stupid people who give them their money day after day.

At the very least I think we should implement a redirect notice or holding page before users are taken off site with a warning that they are doing so and the dangers about buying from autobuy links. This would also help stop people falling for phishing links as well.

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February 07, 2017, 12:19:19 PM

Yes please. That section has been a huge mess for a long time now.

I still think some other sort of restrictions should be put on this board or the entire digital goods sub.
Not much will change without more restrictions. A sub-board essentially just moves the problem into another drawer.

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February 07, 2017, 01:50:49 PM

Its all fine, just go on and ignore the big fat elephant in the room. Why deal with the real issue of Digital Goods, if we can just move crap into a childboard...

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February 07, 2017, 02:00:36 PM

We're considering creating a subsection called "Invites & Accounts" under Marketplace -> Goods -> Digital Goods. This would segregate a lot of Digital Goods topics, providing for improved organization and more effective moderation.
Certainly,it will.But aren't we migrating to the new forum soon? Shouldn't we implementing the new changes on the new forum directly ?

Thoughts? Should other or different things be included in this new section?
Yes,restrict newbies from starting self-moderated threads as 100% of those digital goods are a scam.Or let's just cut the self moderated stuff in the digital section.

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February 07, 2017, 04:56:05 PM

I still think some other sort of restrictions should be put on this board or the entire digital goods sub. I don't think newbie accounts should be allowed to post in there straight away because scammers just massively take advantage of it. Maybe not allow them to post urls either or if you are a newbie and want to post in there you have to pay a small fee. There's a handful of full time scammers here who do nothing but try scam via autobuy links with nothing in them. When they get negative or banned/nuked they just come back and start again. Some scammers are even botting the process now so they don't need to do anything other than sit back and watch the money come trickling in (which it probably does on a daily basis). Paying a fee would stop this as they're not going to waste money trying to scam. They only do it because it is so quick and easy to create an account here and there are plenty of stupid people who give them their money day after day.

At the very least I think we should implement a redirect notice or holding page before users are taken off site with a warning that they are doing so and the dangers about buying from autobuy links. This would also help stop people falling for phishing links as well.

This. Please. Anything that raises the cost of entry to that cesspool would be appreciated.
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February 07, 2017, 11:04:22 PM


Might be a good idea to include product keys there aswell (thinking especially about MSDN keys and stuff).
Definitely a yes. What Lutpin said is a good suggestion too.

It would be nice to have subsections like: Invites & Accounts and Product Keys (for games and other software distributed digitally).
That categorization would take care of roughly 80% content we can find in Digital Goods section today.
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February 11, 2017, 08:37:03 AM

It looks like you ended up creating this sub. I can't say that I disagree with this decision (double negative).

It also looks like you added a new rule. My question is, how will it be handled when a seller of accounts buys accounts from some third party (here or elsewhere), and is able to resell said accounts at a price that clearly indicates they were obtained via illegitimate means? One example of this is this guy who is selling "lifetime" Netflix accounts for ~$10 when the cheapest netflix subscription costs ~$8 per month. This guy actually has a couple of threads with similar situations and has negative trust for selling hacked PayPal accounts (the thread of which has been trashcanned) -- I think you can do the math as to what this guy is doing. 

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February 11, 2017, 11:16:32 AM

Sounds like a good idea. As others have said, separate codes/giftcards into a new section and you should probably have a big sticky thread at the top warning people against it. Giftcard scams seem to make up a big chunk of the scam reports, even if it is for trivial amounts - it causes some people a lot of pain to lose that money.

I don't know what scope you're looking at but trading paypal accounts should be banned entirely - it's not like Netflix and sets people up to lose vast amounts of money or get caught up in a wider fraud.

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February 11, 2017, 11:27:24 AM

Not sure if my opinion counts as being a sr.member but do we really need a separate sub section as I don't see it is a very active section.
I think what hilariousandco suggested is a good idea that we should put some Rank restrictions on posting a sell thread.
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February 11, 2017, 11:36:52 AM

Not sure if my opinion counts as being a sr.member but do we really need a separate sub section as I don't see it is a very active section.
I think what hilariousandco suggested is a good idea that we should put some Rank restrictions on posting a sell thread.

Just because you never visit the Digital Goods section, doesn't mean that it isn't active.

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February 11, 2017, 12:23:42 PM

All the people selling torrent invites should be warned or banned. All the torrent sites explicitly say invite selling is illegal.
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February 11, 2017, 12:34:54 PM

All the people selling torrent invites should be warned or banned. All the torrent sites explicitly say invite selling is illegal.

It's not illegal. It's just against their rules.

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February 11, 2017, 03:40:28 PM

should help to sort the mess that is Digital Goods section currently
Invites and accounts,possibly another section with Software and Games (codes)
ideally,somebody should take the first 10 pages of the section and count how many topics belong to Invites,Accounts,Games,others etc.
and create 2-3 subsections that cover the majority of topics

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February 12, 2017, 05:40:03 PM

All the people selling torrent invites should be warned or banned. All the torrent sites explicitly say invite selling is illegal.

It's not illegal. It's just against their rules.

I'm sure you're aware that they don't profit from their sites (talking about the few good and established ones). People who sell invites profit though. People who sell invites to resellers may get banned from a torrent site just because they're gullible enough to get some quick cash.
Those established torrent sites have strict rules and most of the people who buy invites to join are either:
1) banned because they are more or less retarded and don't follow the rules
2) see that when when they click "Invite", it says that you shouldn't pay for an invite to get in
3) get banned after some time including their and their inviter's account

It's a lose-lose most of the time and it makes this forum look sketchy. Not that it's the only reason haha. Just my 2 cents.
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