I'm surprised, you guys are all favorable to Ubuntu compared to other options. I tough the community was more divided. Large farms represent many rigs and if they are mostly on Linux, then I don’t understand why Claymore is releasing his miners for Windows first and then much later for Linux. He would have more fees by doing the opposite.
Nobody have good things to say about windows?
It's easier to overclock and manage your rig on windows (if you have a few rigs) and most small miners are on windows. Claymore is intentionally targeting small miners. No one that owns a big farm is going to experiment with whole farm. He will usually use a few rigs to test new miner from claymore for example and then switch the rest of rigs and small miners wont do that. New miner is up, hell yes lets download it straight away. By the time he develop miner for linux he will earn big miners trust and he is good to go