Hello Guys,
I decided to administrate a lottery based game based on Player's Entry fee (investements).
Off course this is considered as an investement but i will not run away with any of the funds (I enjoy my main account therefore there's no goal in ruining it now)
You are free to choose if you want to participate or not and you accept / know you can or not become a winner.
Entry fee is 0.01
How to participate:
Send / Invest 0.01 to the following address: 1Ekp2VcBqNfxg3U5DhS2QF9mAkMAnUQgQx
How to Win:
After a minimum amount of 10 Players or if i see no new Players are joining this Game i will random generate one winner based on Participant's address.
How much does winner wins:
80% of total Pot.
How does the hoster profits with this:
20% of the total Pot.
List of Participants and their addresses:
Please tell me why anyone is this goddamn world would use your service?
there are sites out there with millions of people and huge amounts of reputations doing the exact same thing you are doing, and they only take 0.005% of the pot.
I wish you all the best but i'd surprised if there is even 1 user whom is interested in this.