Just out of curiosity, what made you decide to do business with brand-new members rather than well established members with a proven history of delivering?
I couldn't find anyone willing to take a MoneyPak. I was hoping to do a deal with EPiSKiNG as his post said he accepted MoneyPak. When I contacted him he said he doesn't take MoneyPak and updated his post. I made stupid decision as I really wanted to start getting some coins while the price was low. It will not happen again.
www.bitcoin-otc.com . It involves a bit of elbow grease on your part to get setup initially (settings up IRC, gpg or btc addy/nick registering, authing and verifying), but is 100% worth it. We have an active trading community going on at all times in #bitcoin-otc on Freenode IRC. We also have a Web of Trust ratings system and an order book. Hop into IRC and ask any of us there and we would be glad to help you get setup and started. We are also all excellent at identifying and alerting people to scammers. If you're not sure of someone or some deal feels shady, ask in chat for an escrow or advice. My nick there is the same here, feel free to query me.