I guess you'll be generating revenue from the networking site?
I'll be happy to do some write-ups of past drama that I witnessed at no charge. It will be in my (very limited) spare time, so it might take a while.
Feel free to PM me.
yeah, we're currently developing a Social Networking site (
BTC Village ) for the bitcoin/alt-coin communities.
in the beginning, it will primarily be focused on "real-money" gaming (more like
Bitcoin Minefield and less like online poker)
there is a tremendous amount of behind the scenes that is still being worked out, but its never to early to start promoting.
http://www.coinlovechest.com/ is another one of our promotional sites.
on the site (
http://www.coindrama.com/) right now there's a link that says
"Report New Drama".
just enter a link to an article, thread, whathaveyou; a brief description about what it is; and a payment address for your reward (yes, we want to pay our contributors)
Happy to write a good quality recap if I can include a text ad there
in the spirit of keeping things clean, it would have to be more of an attribution (w/ hyperlink) and less of a text ad
the goal is to keep
BTC Village as ad-free as possible
things are very raw at the moment, so practically nothing has been finalized yet.
but we will certainly be crediting each and every contributor for their efforts and support.
i'm certain we can work something out