Interesting if true. Imagine 5 years down the road and Zimbabwe using Bitcoin together with a bunch of other formerly impoverished nations. They all enjoy lively economy, stability and persecuted elsewhere bitcoiners relocate en masse to Africa. (as someone else "predicted" somewhere in other thread).
It would be a brilliant move, but maybe only on first sight.
Consider Lybia: Gadhafi wanted to make a Gold Dinar togetehr with other African countries. What did he and his country get for trying that? Nato (imf? world bank?) bombed them to shit, killed Gaddhafi, took the gold. Western media spun it as "protecting civilians", lol. I know, I know, take off the tinfoil hat. But it makes sense, does it not?
I never heard this theory. Any idea where i can read more about it?
I think I saw someone talk about it on Russia Today a while back (might've been that Webster Tarpley character). John Perkins also talks about it:
According to the IMF, Libya’s Central Bank is 100% state owned. The IMF estimates that the bank has nearly 144 tons of gold in its vaults. It is significant that in the months running up to the UN resolution that allowed the US and its allies to send troops into Libya, Muammar al-Qaddafi was openly advocating the creation of a new currency that would rival the dollar and the euro. In fact, he called upon African and Muslim nations to join an alliance that would make this new currency, the gold dinar, their primary form of money and foreign exchange. They would sell oil and other resources to the US and the rest of the world only for gold dinars.
It makes sense for the US: protecting the USD while at the same time acquiring some badly needed gold (many countries want their gold back and it's quite likely (if not apparent), that not all the gold that is stored in the name of these countries in New York or whereever is actuall available (as in: there)).